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  1. rtkkg

    help...still no signs of sex?

    how would i go about removing these? and amd those must be the exact bugs i am seeing too. thats good that theyre not doing any damage...noticable damage. this is also my only outdoor plant and i am anxious to see its sex.
  2. rtkkg

    help...still no signs of sex?

    yes. ive also noticed these white and green bugs that i always see jumping around on the plant. they dint seem to be hurting it? what are they
  3. rtkkg

    help...still no signs of sex?

    please help. its going to be september tommorow and my plant is still showing no signs of sex. i started this plant mid-late july from seed and it is now about 10" tall with 9 nodes. no preflowers on it whatsoever. is this normal. when should i start to see flowers and when i do is it going to...
  4. rtkkg

    Shroomie Shrooms

    take an eigth and grind it up in a coffee grinder then put that into a cup of hottttt water and let sit for a couple min then put liquid trough a coffee filter and then take the liquid and put a dash of milk or creamer, honey, and mint and drink it down.
  5. rtkkg

    First Grow Outdoor Bagseed

    theres the indoor 2 weeker. in a clear plastic cup. might top it early on like the first plant. suggestions are welcome
  6. rtkkg

    The Speaker Project

    you can go to a hobby store they have it or a hydroponi store if you lucky enough to have one ner you. possibly yout neirborhood hardware store stuff is super chep
  7. rtkkg

    1st grow, bagseed, drip hydro

    sweet man, do any of those 3 big ones have any preflowers or anything?
  8. rtkkg

    First Grow Outdoor Bagseed

    oh yeah and when do you think hopefully she will flower i live in NC does anyone know when the sun cycle goes to 12/12? thanks
  9. rtkkg

    First Grow Outdoor Bagseed

    hello all this is my first attempt at the art of growing. i originally had two its but one died off. its is appx 28 days old. it is from a high grade bad of bud. i know nothing about nutes but ive put some osmocote brand timerelease fert. and miracal grow every week for the past 2 weeks. any...