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  1. MRD2001

    Is she done yet and why cant i keep the smell has me stumped....

    Good luck, hopefully the smell will come back after the cure.
  2. MRD2001

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    This is a great thread, Thanks
  3. MRD2001

    Oh yes, a newbie topping question...WITH DIAGRAM!!!!!111!!!ONE!!!

    I just couldn't stand it anymore, I topped them last night at their 5 node leaving about 10". We still have some pretty intense sun in FL so I'm hoping that I didn't screw up to badly. Time will tell. I try to keep them manageable because I have to move them one day a week when my lawn dude come...
  4. MRD2001

    OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

    Damn it, I miss the solo cup entry dead line. I'm going to try a couple of clones in a solo cup just for shits and giggles. Maybe a few bag seeds also. Practice for the next time I guess.
  5. MRD2001

    Veg under lights , flower under sun?

    It all depends on where you live. Here in sunny FL it would be no problem, north of the Mason-Dixon you would have to acclimate them to the outdoors.
  6. MRD2001

    Buds growing higher than fence!!!!! Help can i LST during flowering ?

    A shot gun should work real well. Just ask Joe Bidden.
  7. MRD2001

    What does an 8th go for where you live?

    $35-45 for ass kicking shit.
  8. MRD2001

    Stealth Grow (no Odor) Marijuana grow..

    Man, you are very clever. What an amazing set up. PS When I was your age, they didn't have craigslist, shit they didn't have p c's. We had to grow out in the woods with bag seeds and hope nobody finds your grow.
  9. MRD2001

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi you all, I have been growing outdoors for several year, sometime very successfully, sometimes not so. The last couple have been better with experience. Now that I have found this forum with a wealth of info and experience, I hope to have the best harvests ever.
  10. MRD2001

    Oh yes, a newbie topping question...WITH DIAGRAM!!!!!111!!!ONE!!!

    I have always topped my plants but this year I decided not to top them. Now a couple weeks into my grow I'm thinking that I screwed up. Do you think it is to late to top them now?