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  1. rth420

    New Grow

    So I'm starting a new indoor grow with 2 green crack clones in a mylar tent. the tent is 5'x4'x2' and i just have some questions about lighting and such. First off im using florescent lighting. i think i have a 600w florescent but ill have to double check. anyways how much light should i have...
  2. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    Exciting Day! Just replanted my girl in some fresh Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil in a nice 10" pot. made holes around the edges with a soldering iron for LST and used some zipties so i can adjust how much pressure i want the tie-downs to have. Idk, i though it was cool (stoner logic). Shes...
  3. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    started the LST this morning. just 4 tie-downs right now so we'll see how it goes. heres a question btw: is there any way to tell if its male or female before it flowers? or anytime like in the next few weeks?
  4. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    ive got a few more smaller cfls for the sides, two sets of two. ill get pics soon. LST begins tomorrow (late, i know) and ive lowered the light and can actually tell the difference in the growth from yesterday.
  5. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    wow that looks amazing! i was talking to one of my friends and he doesnt believe you can flower with cfls but from what ive seen, do it right and the bud will be tight. thanks for all the help guys, seeing ur projects just makes me more excited for mine. ill keep u updated
  6. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    thats one plant? what week did u start the lst? u mind explaining it a bit more because that looks fantastic!
  7. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    ill move it closer but the tent is 5ft tall so i dont mind a whole lot if it stretches out a bit.
  8. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    so my tent finally came and ive got everything set up. pretty happy with it so far
  9. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    Ok so here are the first few pics i have. not really sure what week im on, maybe the third, but its a low key grow so i dont mind. just the one but as soon as i get my own place, the seeds shall start sprouting often. theres some yellow on the primary leaves and the second set because of lack of...
  10. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    heres my next question, hydro or soil medium? ive done soil before so i know how it works but hydro sounds interesting but ive heard good and bad about it. should i stick with good soil or should i try a hydro setup?
  11. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    thats exactly what i was thinking other than tie downs and netting and such. thanks very much for the info u guys. big help. ill keep u updated and if you have any more advice ill soak it up like fresh roots ;). burn one for me
  12. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    im probably going to end up using a few house hold bulbs when they are flowering but for the first few weeks ive got this
  13. rth420

    Keeping 'em Short. indoor florescent grow

    so im starting a new grow with one of those zip up tents and florescent grow lights and im just wondering what the different ways to keep a plant short are. i was going to order some lowrider strains from a seed bank but id like a yield closer to that of a normal crop. i know the plant doesnt...