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  1. K

    Purple OG#18 n Uknown Freebie from Paradise 1st time DWC grow

    Shout out to the Lord Almighty for giving this world the Cannabis plant. Whether you believe in a God or not we all have to be thankful for this plant and the abundant amount of strains; that have come from such a gift that many constituents receive medical assistance in the states where the...
  2. K

    First Time Grower in Need of Help

    First off I would to thank everyone who has given advice throughout the thread. The suggestions given has been helpful and will see if I can bend the kolas without possibly breaking and shocking the plant. Considered topping the bud sites away from the light source but afraid of less dense...
  3. K

    First Time Grower in Need of Help

    Greetings to my extended botanists family. United growers of the maryjane I come to you as a first time hydro grower. I'm excited about the grow I've began but seem to allow my Purple OG #18 to outgrow my tent and need suggestions on keeping her comfortable without to much stress. I allowed her...