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  1. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    I smells a little bit under cfl... I would give 6 score .... But the smoke foking amazing spliff and you r dead for couple of hours :):):):):) Weight after drying 25grams
  2. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    Harvest!!! I could not have waited any more, so I cut it down :D Should be fine...
  3. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    do not know really.... pistols are in 70 % brown, trichs look still crystals I have only 20X magnifier... Shall I keep them for couple a days... cheers mate
  4. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    Tomorrow will be 8 weeks since I have put it on flowering... And I think that I will cut it tomorrow... What do you guys think... I am so impatient... Want to smoke it ASAP!!!
  5. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    Thanks mate, it's a pity that hps did not work for me, buds would have been couple times bigger. Do you think that they will get bigger as they are now by the end of flowering?? For next grow I am going to use UFO LED, which will be ideal for cost of growing...
  6. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    UPdate... So here is 6th week of flowering 2 or 3 to go... the buds are not huge but big enough to give me so kind of hope that the smoke will be fine... I decided to add some nutriens(plant food) despite of that some nutriens are already in the soil... So here it is...
  7. azaf

    LSD, papaya, and violater kush perpetual journal

    Shit man... your have a smoke for your entire life ;] pufff puff
  8. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    No man I ve never cloned at all... The plant is not awesome. It does not seem to grow lots of buds at the moment I assume...
  9. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    I get the seeds from and the and cfl's from local shop 20 quid for each
  10. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    one month to go... my plant has stretched a lot she is about90 cm already and have some small buds, so I have put another 125W cfl, so all together there is 250W cfl... hoppefully will grow some more buds...
  11. azaf

    Coming down the Home stretch!!

    Hey man my plant looks nearly the same. She has double her size or even triple her size since put in 12/12... I was using 400W hps lamp but it was to much for only one plant, so I am growing with 2 125W cfl at the moment. I started almost the same date as you so we have about 4 weeks left for...
  12. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    oh.. and also when I was using 400W the plant stopped smelling... after swichting for cfl she has got the smell back...
  13. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    I am not feedeing her... All the nutriens are already in the soil... I just water her once a week... I do not want to spoil her with 400W due to much heat, cause the leafs were dropping down man, and a pot was the hot as well, so nutriens have melt down sooner and some leafes were turning yellow...
  14. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    So here U r ... It is a 3rd week of flowering she has doubled her size and she is about 23 inches tall::) That 125W red bulb helped the plant so much and I am not thinking to get back with 400W hps, maybe for the last week to get some bigger buds...
  15. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    UpdAtE ... She has grown up 3 inches and she is now 15 inch tall and definely started showing female signs, but The proccess is very slowly ...
  16. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    I know I know... 1. I realised that 400W for one plant is not worthy...why because I have already recieved the bill of 200 quids and I was using cfl only... so you can imagine 400W. If I had 3 or more plants I would go for it. 2. I bought 125W cfl red light 2700K, so I am going to grow with...
  17. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    Yeah thats the shame that I it is too hot... today I am going to buy 125W cfl red... hoping that for one plant there would be enough light to grow some buds.... The baby is looking better, I have cut some yellow leafes, the pant has grown a little bit... Update
  18. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    I ve changed the light back to 125W Enviro CFL!!! 400W was definitly to much for 1 plant... I am going to buy red light for cfl.... hopefully will work.... After a week in flowering with 400 hps my baby has not improved at all, only leaves curling down and plant looks like it was too hot for...
  19. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    and also leaves are looking droppy, curling down, they not straight... Is it a bad sign?!?!?!?! Maybe I should change for cfl and buy red light...
  20. azaf

    LSD Barney's farm, 0ne plant 400W HPS

    I had 2 seeds but only one survived... Good luck man.