I took a cookie cut in week 5 last time. took a long long time to fully kick in to veg, also got a reveg back up in this lot, looks no diff to seed one same pheno, next to it. that week 5 cut is now the mum in the room!
I cant see the pic you posted fool! Otherwise why would I ask?
I'll have another look tonight and see but they're still swelling, unless I see more than a dot or two of amber under scope later theyre staying in
Lol which one there all diff plants, no ambering yet and still swelling every day man. Cookies are about done I think though but they on flush now anywho so will be down by next weekend I reckon
haha get your arse up here for the afternoon, ill send you home red eyed and sampled up.
I get well into certain strains man, I've had a taste of most of our staples over here. So many more to try haha. My pallet needs more!