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  1. O

    Please help

    I agree with gardenandcats your not gonna have great big buds due to the plant reparing itself, I would tie them back as well....... sometimes the fan leaves support the bud at least it has for people I know so try tying them
  2. O

    flowering question

    thats if you want a smaller plant how big are they right now.......?
  3. O

    Are they tricking me ?

    florida girl must not of understood your post... its not worth your freedom dont go or you just might not come back home.................. even I have a bad feeling about it and I am not you............. but how I always see it is if you have doubt then you need to go with that gut feeling its...
  4. O

    flowering question

    usually you need to se the 'pre-flowers' before you even call it the flowering cycle the 12/12 is just the photoperiod or in other words the hours your setting the lights too...... if you didnt see the pre-flowers first they aren't mature enough to go right into male or female... If you did...
  5. O

    Germination Concern

    I do the cup then paper towel method I put them in a cup with some water from the tap for 12 hours then I put them in the paper towel and then the paper towel in a ziplock baggy I then check them every 12 hours longest I have had to wait is 48 hours and ALL of mine have popped I believe...
  6. O

    Are they tricking me ?

    If they cant find you and its been delivered or attempted to be delivered they can check out the package..... to be on the safe side I wouldn't go and get it. IF it is the police they will end up coming to your house either way if they are in this set up. I would say its not them, but if it...