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  1. boydbd

    ohio sucks dick

    Okay so heres the deal, im sick of growing sub-par strains and want to order seeds from a reputable company but i dont know how i could get good seeds in ohio...any ideas??? please help:peace:
  2. boydbd

    What to grow?

    So, I just finished my first indoor grow ever from a bag seed. it turned out really well, even though I only used a bunch of 23 and 42 watt cfl's in a closet. Now i plan on getting a couple of 400 watt hps bulbs and some legit seeds but i dont know what to get or where i should get it I...
  3. boydbd

    LSD + MDMA = Good Shit? Candy Flip

    i've heard really great things, but i mean, acid by itself is pretty much the best thing ever.....and mdma by its self isnt too bad...
  4. boydbd

    Stems turning purple

    So this is my first grow from a bag seed in a closet... as it is a bag seed, I have no clue what the strain is...white hairs have been coming in for a long time and now basically all of the bud sites are covered in them.... the budding has been going really good and i've been sure that it's a...
  5. boydbd

    Highest you have ever been

    hmmm.....thats, uh, interesting...... the time i was most fucked off weed i was really bored by myself around the time that i first started smoking and just got sooooo high, i thought i was going to die, but i made sure not to freak out... the time i was most fucked period, i was blacked out...
  6. boydbd

    Is foil a bad idea?

    haha, that banana split sounds like a slice of heaven right now.......and thanks for that info! im moving in a couple days so ill be sure to get something when i move the way... i'm moving in a day with a 4' plant....were only moving about 4 houses up, but does anyone have any advice...
  7. boydbd

    Is foil a bad idea?

    thanks for the word....ill just leave the walls for now....this is just a test grow from a bag seed anyway. my next grow will be more legit and ill get mylar...(plants a female and lookin good so far though, just started to flower :) )
  8. boydbd

    Hang drying for a month???

    good thread! :)
  9. boydbd

    Does My Plant Look Healthy?

    haha dwarf means a short a're thinking of a hermaphrodites...
  10. boydbd

    WW Nirvana

    nice set up
  11. boydbd

    Is foil a bad idea?

    I'm a newbie in every sense of the word.....but, i have a pretty good looking plant growing in a closet thats about 4'x4'. The walls are painted an off white color, my question is, would I be better off leaving the walls or is aluminum foil better to line the walls with? I live in an apt...
  12. boydbd

    I'm voting for McCain....

    YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare fuck McCain.
  13. boydbd

    Adding Juice to Soil durring flowering?

    So, I'm a newbie growing a bag seed plant in a closet..... now, while this makes little to no sense to me, a friend of mine said that he read that adding a juice, like pineapple juice to the soil during the late stages of flowering would cause the buds to be sweeter, and almost take on the...