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  1. R

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?

    I am also using miracle grow potting soil if that helps.
  2. R

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?

    Guess i messed that up lol
  3. R

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?

    Ok heres the deal. This is my first grow and so far everything has gone great. My plants are a little over four weeks into flowering and i am having some problems with one (white widow X chemdog) All the leaves are turning yellow and dieing started from the bottom and i thought maybe thats what...
  4. R

    Anyone grown DJ Short F-13?

    Anybody at all?
  5. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    The temp is about 79-80. i dont know if thats too hot but like i said before it is the only one of my plants doing that. mine didnt start out as black spots but little white or yellow spots. i dont know. its not affecting the bud any so i guess it will be ok. for now.
  6. R

    Grandma's Unsulphured Molasses

    What exactly is the purpose of using molasses?
  7. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    Yea its from the bottom. more and more are starting to do that though. normal?
  8. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    Im only having that problem with one plant. Its starting to get more and more so im getting kinda worried.
  9. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    Started from the bottom and is slowly moving up. 4 weeks into flowering and i dont know what it is. help...
  10. R

    Is miracle-gro potting soin any good?

    I am growing with maracle grow potting soil and was wondering about the -/+ of it. Any info?
  11. R

    How many seeds could be in 1 oz?

    weigh 482 seeds and i bet you its 27 g's
  12. R

    Has anyone grown DJ Shorts F-13????????

    I recently bought some feminized f-13 seeds. Pretty expensive. Has anyone had a succesful grow with this strain?
  13. R

    How many seeds could be in 1 oz?

    I would say the most you would see in one ounce is about 482.
  14. R

    Has any one grown DJ Shorts F-13????????

    I bought some feminized F-13 Seeds. Has anyone had any good grows with this strain?
  15. R

    Help somethings wrong with my leafs!

  16. R

    Help somethings wrong with my leafs!

    The plant is 7 weeks old.
  17. R

    Help somethings wrong with my leafs!

    The plant was growing great up until it got about a foot. it was actually the best looking out of the bunch but then it started growing leaves like the ones in the pics. they are all like that now. there isnt one healthy looking leaf. The buds arent looking good either.
  18. R

    Help somethings wrong with my leafs!

    Well i mixed the regular potting soil with the moisture control mix. did your leafs look like that?
  19. R

    Help somethings wrong with my leafs!

    i have been giving them shultz plantfood and just started some bloom plus. wouldnt the other plants be looking the same ?