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  1. BluntamisPrime

    Inda-GRO, Induction Grow Lamps ??

    No idea. I hope to move here in the up coming months and hopefully be able to do a side by side comparison. If I ever get the chance ill let u know.
  2. BluntamisPrime

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Ok well any one using fullspectrum induction lights that can give the ones I posted a look. the description shows the color chart and wave lengths maybe give me an idea on weather or not the bulbs are even viable I realize the risks of overseas buying I plan on moving soon and buying a set of...
  3. BluntamisPrime

    Inda-gro Induction...

    True that. I hear you on that I can only imagine if I had had to return it but it was so cheap at the time I guess I really would have not cared other than the fact that my ladies were flowering at the time and I wanted to test it. I wish I had pictures to show the product that the ali express...
  4. BluntamisPrime

    Inda-gro Induction...

    well if u look at the color spectrum on some of those bulbs they match up to the other induction bulbs.however I'm no lighting expert so correct me if I'm wrong.I did end up buying 1 a while back was a 200watt 2700k bulb and I got great results on my plant but I'm no expert I was just trying to...
  5. BluntamisPrime

    Inda-gro Induction...

    here's a cheap alternative to the inda grow and igrow induction lights littlery the same bulbs.
  6. BluntamisPrime

    Inda-GRO, Induction Grow Lamps ??

    I realize this thread is a bit old however I thought I would throw my 2 cents in. I my self was lookking in to buying some of these lights and did some research and found all the companys in the united states to be extremely expensive.looking around I was able to find this now I know this is in...
  7. BluntamisPrime

    cfl reflector (jesus3)

    Damn that's sexy im going to buy that material for a new hood im making. Great post im glad i saw this before i went to the store.
  8. BluntamisPrime

    Watering System for soil! DIY=)

    Nice i have done this before and was pretty sucessful my self. 1 question tho for any one out there that might know this i was told before to go plastic when i made mine only because metals such as brass and copper build up residue quicker? Any thoughts? Great post tho man