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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Thanks again for the response, I agree its really hard to find a balance between how much detail to put into the documents. One hand you want to cover every last detail and make HC happy, on the other you dont want to have a document that is too unrealistic. Just as a side note we're in...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Woodman are you a consultant? Is there an email I can reach you at?
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I just want to add, QA and QC methodologies are similar in every industry. Statistics are a pillar of QC and is actually are the a main reason of its development. Obviously QC from a production environment is most easily transferrable to this industry but it would be foolish to completely...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hi Agracan, Thanks for the response. Saying you lucked out QAP is an understatement. I very much agree with your approach of being as detailed as possible. At the moment Im writing the GPP portion regarding the building. Is it enough to describe each portion of our unit and how it...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hi Everyone, I am currently in the stage of writing my Quality Assurance Report for my application. There seems to be a lot of material to cover and I believe this is one of if not the most important section of the application. I plan on being the QAP for our company. A bit of...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hey guys, I have found an building that used to be a pharmaceutical company. It meets all the security,sanitation, ventilation etc. requirements needed for this operation. It is also huge, 120,000 sqf. It is currently under power of sale with an asking price of $2.1 million, it could...
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    Testing Facilities

    I got this straight from health canada List of Laboratories in possession of a valid Controlled Substance Licence allowing the possession of cannabis (marihuana) for analytical testing Name of Lab Address Name of Contact Phone Number Email Address CMH Biotechnologies Inc. 9B PTH 52 West...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hey Colin, Something you should consider, Quality Assurance(QC) and Quality Assurance(QA) although sound similar are actually two different things. QC you can definitely outsource. It is the testing that will be done on your final product to test for heavy metals, microbial, canabanoids...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I found a guy out in BC that will do it for 25. Plus $500 monthly going forward. It seems like he does all the leg work you just upload all of your grow room metrics to him.
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    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    I have been in contact with a couple of QA consultants, you can outsource all of your QC testing hence eliminating the need for expensive lab equipment. Health Canada has provided me with a list of facilities we can use. Please see below: List of Laboratories in possession of a valid Controlled...
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    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    No doubt you can spend $5mill getting a facility set up. A $500,000 budget is also feasible, if you are willing to put in serious hours making it work.
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Youre the man Kron, I owe you huge for this doc.
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hey Raider, how much did the labs want for the QA training?
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    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    I assume you ment 500,000 but made a typo.
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    What would be the minimum number of patients needed to viably become an LP?

    Health canada has said many times 55 is a hypothetical number they used in their business case. There is no limit as to how many licensces they are going to grant. Stop spreading bs.
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    New rules - new limits??

    there is a 150g limit per shipment. so if your prescription calls for 300g per month for example your supplier would facilitate a 150g shipment on the first on the month and a 150g shipment on the 15th of the month. I believe 150g is also the maxmium amount a patient is allowed to carry at...
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    First licences producers

    Can someone explain the connection between this company and health Canada?
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    Supplier who meets 2014 guidelines

    You are absolutely right, controlling the meds is what HC is trying to do with MMPR. As it is virtually impossible to control every Tom, Dick and Harry that grows their own meds HC is choosing to issue licensees and control those suppliers that meet it's criteria. Do you buy produce from the...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    My bet is LP will need to provide sop in an audit after a year or two of operations. That will,give HC time to understand the operation risks a little better. It wouldn't hurt to include but they aren't a must have at the start. That's my best guess.
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hey Kron, can you elaborate on what the application was missing?