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  1. IHaveSixCats

    freedom dream strain?

    I got the seeds as well. Mine are in flower already but small. I have started a few more seeds. I put them in wet paper towel and leave in my bra to stay nice and warm. I have 2 that have sprouted from last week but very lanky. i will plant them deeper when they go into a lager pot. These...
  2. IHaveSixCats

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    My security cameras so not. lol
  3. IHaveSixCats

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    There is a water restriction in my area but my neighbor across the road waters his lawn every night. You are NOT suppose to water anything but your garden. No cars, driveways or lawns. His is the only green lawn on our street. WTF buddy. Pisses me off.
  4. IHaveSixCats

    I will need some help along the way

    Just looked at the girls today and they are looking way better. I'll get some better pictures.
  5. IHaveSixCats

    I will need some help along the way

    They are outside and the soil is sunshine 4.
  6. IHaveSixCats

    How's she look?

  7. IHaveSixCats

    First outdoor grow. Big plants!

    Looks nice.
  8. IHaveSixCats

    I will need some help along the way

    Ok this is what my girls look like today. Kush 1 Kush 2 Looks like Kush one is in flower and Kush 2 might just being into flower. These were started from seeds. I had plants that seeded a few years ago and saved them for when I had no way of buying. They might not b the best but they are better...
  9. IHaveSixCats

    Tits or Ass? ...A poll...

    I like Boobies. Specially when they have glitter or fun stuff on them.
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    A pound is pretty much what I just had in me. Bahahahahahahahaha
  11. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    All this talk about boners I might have to go pleasure myself with one now.
  12. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    All the transgender kids I have met are really nice and open with it. I feel bad for a few as their parents kicked them out once they found out. It must be hard enough to just try and be yourself without your parents disowning you. No idea what my kid is as she keeps changing her story on...
  13. IHaveSixCats

    I will need some help along the way

    I will get some pictures for you. I am growing outside. I have them in 18" black pots in sunshine mix #4. I grew them from seed starting April 1st inside and then transplanted them into these pots May 30th and put them outside. It is usually around 23 C here. I used to have someone helping...
  14. IHaveSixCats

    homemade mdma

    Having an issue finding here as well. Thought we knew the cook enough he wouldn't screw us over but the last batch sucked.
  15. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    ya it was always fun calling her home. BOOBIE, BOOBIE, come on, come one girl, BOOBIE. Come get a treat. And yes lady boys seem to be in the thing. Or the other way. My 15 year old daughter has 6 friends who are trans. Just glad I am what I am and don't feel like something else. Mind you...
  16. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    Ok here you go. Found one you can't see my face.
  17. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    She is in a urn now on my mantle. I still have 5 to love. Not when they eat my baby pot plants though. Lost 2 cause of them.
  18. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    Yes she was 18. My asshole neighbor might have poisoned her. :(
  19. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    I actually only have 5 now. My oldest passed away. :( I know I posted a pic on one of the threads. I think the introduction one. I am all female from birth I promise.
  20. IHaveSixCats

    Clones are yellow and droopy

    I don't have a heat mat. Next year I will buy seeds off line. I just never got around to it and just used seeds that I had from 3 years ago. If it works it works, if not, nothing I can do I guess.