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  1. Steve Savage

    What should i grow next ???????

    Ay, I checked out that website you use and closest thing they got to it is Pinapple Kush (go feminized but stay away from the Auto). That or the G13 Haze. Haha, after hearing the success you've had with this is site I'm starting to put together a little shopping list of my own. Was thinking of...
  2. Steve Savage

    What should i grow next ???????

    Haha, this thread is just going to become one big shopping list :p
  3. Steve Savage

    Led Distance, and Fertilizer help plz.

    If it's a quality light 378w could easily burn your plants in a box that size. i use a 300w LED and 50-60cm (2ft) between the plants and light is recommended. You'll need to be careful, esp when they plants are young- although LEDs don't give off a huge amount of they'll still cook your...
  4. Steve Savage

    What should i grow next ???????

    Cheers- haha although the closet set up isn't great but as I said it's only temporary... so what seed bank do you use and what's your success rate of actually getting the order? i heard some people say there was a fair amount of risk in using those sites, but other say they've had no trouble...
  5. Steve Savage

    What should i grow next ???????

    How's it going Clint. Obviously our climate here is great for sativa based strains- but I've also had great results from my Hindu Skunk. Its a favourite of mine as it's tough as nails (seriously impressive resilience!) but it also smokes great and responds well to all kinds of training. I...
  6. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    Cheers mate :) More of an experiment than anything else- I cut a lot of corners while making it and had to improvise as I didn't really have the necessary tools- so yeah i'm curious to see what the end result could be when a bit more effort and care is used. Anyways bro, is it cool if I maybe...
  7. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    Pics of a toy box I knocked up just for fun. Very amateur this- it glows in the dark and the ventilation isn't good enough to keep it closed up 24/7- not exactly stealth!! But as you said, you're not going to ace it first time around, you learn from your mistakes....
  8. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    Nah it's good..... I'm re-evaluating it all now as you've given me a lot to think about..... Leaning more towards ditching the filter now which will free up heaps of space inside....
  9. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    You're right, I've got my work cut out for me.... Great explanations about everything too mate, very helpful indeed. I was kinda hoping to avoid adjustable fans for the time being. I figured the current intake could just kick in for 20min or so every few hours- but you reckon adjustable...
  10. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    Yeah I'll put up some pics in the next 24hrs or so.... Just finalising plans as I'll start modifying the cab this week. But hypothetically, if I wasn't using a carbon filter, then I wouldn't need to make the cabinet quite as airtight- so with enough passive vents would the plants get enough...
  11. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    Cheers for the reply.... I kinda thought I went a little overboard with the fans but I guess not.... Any chance I could get rid of the intake fan and just use additional passive vents or is the 4 inch intake necessary? Will post pics of cab soon. Cheers
  12. Steve Savage

    Advice needed for cab modifications

    Hey guys, I've always found this site a great source of advice and I require a little help with the grow box I'm putting together. I'm converting a cabinet and I'll be doing all the adjustments to it over the next week- I was going to use a 6inch extraction fan and carbon filter- but after...
  13. Steve Savage

    Indoor to outdoor.

    Ay Shaggn, thanks for the input bro - t's good to get additional confirmation on this so I appreciate the comment :) So do you live in Aust. as well or did you just use the seasonal info from my first post? But yeah, I reckon the time you mentioned would probably have been perfect- however my...
  14. Steve Savage

    Indoor to outdoor.

    Appreciate your input mate- that's interesting and definitely supports what I had previously heard. So you've had plants begin to flower because of a reduction of daylight hours, even though it doesn't quite get to 12/12 huh.... I figured it wouldn't need to be as exact as 12/12 and there...
  15. Steve Savage

    Indoor to outdoor.

    Grrrrr, yeah I kinda figured that would probably be the case, but I'm glad I got a second opinion anyways- appreciate the swift response Kermit! And yeah I could easily get away with one monster plant stashed outdoors over the summer seeing as it's a private garden well camouflaged with...
  16. Steve Savage

    Indoor to outdoor.

    Hey, Just after some advice- any opinions would be very much appreciated!! So I live on the East coast of Australia and have been growing indoors all winter. I's now spring- summer starts Dec 1st and from all the forcasts it's going to be another long hot summer here in Oz and I was keen to...