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  1. Stoned Crab

    Can you clone from a clone? and so on?

    I've never done it personally, but I dont see a problem cutting a clone off of a larger healthier plant. Just cut the clone before you begin to flower the plant. Only problem I can see is you would need a separete area for the clones so they dont try and flower. Now loosing potency and such, I...
  2. Stoned Crab

    Growing from a stalk?

    None of the skin is loose, and on one of them there are a few stems coming from the stalk. But I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip
  3. Stoned Crab

    Other Veggies in my Grow Room :)

    Awesome grow man. Inspired me to grow some lychee seeds I had. Only thing is...I dont have any pot I guess Im just growing Veggies! :D keep us posted.
  4. Stoned Crab

    Growing from a stalk?

    Aww Well, Im germinating a few seeds now, just wondering if there was any hope for these. Thanks for the Help :D
  5. Stoned Crab

    Growing from a stalk?

    bump this up..
  6. Stoned Crab

    Growing from a stalk?

    My friend harvested his crop a few weeks ago. He chopped them right at the base of the stem, leaving the roots alone and about 2-3in of stem sticking out of the ground. They have been sitting outside since, and we've had some cold days(canada) I brought them inside and they where all mushy and...
  7. Stoned Crab

    What nutes? advanced nutrients???

    I really need to find my local hydro store, the people at the gardening store are giving me wierd looks when I go in there. Thanks for the advice !!
  8. Stoned Crab

    What nutes? advanced nutrients???

    I havent really looked into witch AN I would be buying, I havent found a store around here that sells them, I was just browseing the site and saw they offer somthing for everypart of the plant.
  9. Stoned Crab

    What nutes? advanced nutrients???

    Im 100% new to growing, Ive been reading everything I can on this site and I am learning much. I recently heard of advanced nutrients, I checked out their site and they have nutes for every part of your plant! I was only wondering if I get the nute that help leaf growth, and helps roots will...
  10. Stoned Crab

    My First Grow

    how do they smooooke?!
  11. Stoned Crab

    MY PLANTS!! A MONTH and 1/2 OLD.

    You could always lower your lights down to about 1in from the plants, that would help. You could also try and put somthing reflective around the bottem of your plants so the light is reflected up from the bottem aswell.
  12. Stoned Crab

    MY PLANTS!! A MONTH and 1/2 OLD.

    Ahhh, I would let them grow for another month. What type of lights are you using?
  13. Stoned Crab

    MY PLANTS!! A MONTH and 1/2 OLD.

    Hey man nice plants :D Word of advice do not use MG potting soil. Ive been reading that MG soil has 3 months worth of fertilizer already in the soil, so it makes it hard(near impossible) to flush the whole system. If I where you since its only 1 month into growing I would go and grab some new...
  14. Stoned Crab

    My First Grow

    Im in ontario aswell small world, keep updating this, or start a journal. Im interested to see how it turns out when you get some ladies in there.
  15. Stoned Crab

    Coralife PC fixtures?

    I have myself a coralife 96w powercompact fish tank light I used to grow corals. The bulb in it is dead so I will have to replace it. My questions is could I use this to grow one single plant? And if so, witch type of spectrum bulb should I go with? 10,000k? Or maybe 6700k?
  16. Stoned Crab

    My First Grow

    Great looking grow room! I'm also new to growing and I am also from canada; where abouts are you from? As for the cooling question, try putting a fan in now before there are any plants and see if it makes much of a differance.