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  1. C

    Need Help ASAP????????

    I have been growing in rockwool 4in cubes. It is my first time growing in rockwool and now the roots are growing out through the bottem of them. What do I do now?? I have bigger rockwooll cubes. Do I soak them and then just sit them on top?? My Girls are getting big.How long befor I start the...
  2. C


    Hey everyone. I'm new around here and have a couple of questions. I was given a couple of clones in rockwool there still in the vegg state. There still kind of small and was woundering what can I do or feed them to make them get bigger before I start the flowering stage?? :confused:
  3. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everybody I'm new on here and i need a little help?
  4. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone. I am new at this. A friend of mine started growing some clones for me in rockwool. He started them out in the 1in cubes and now there in the 4in cubes. My problem is that my friend took of and left me clueless on what to do next. The roots are coming through the bottom of the...