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  1. Audacity


    Yeah, I'm growing 3 plants indoors. I'm not an expert, nor did I really prepare correctly. It was just a spur of the moment type of deal.
  2. Audacity

    :Joint: Tokin'

    So far, this is a great place. Keep up the good work!
  3. Audacity

    Just got a sick new bong

    That's a nice lookin' bong. And yes, games are amazing when baked.
  4. Audacity


    What's up, I'm new here. I was posting at another site for a few weeks, but I stumbled upon this site and just had to sign up. I'm not sure what people usually do for a thread like this, but I guess I'll give you a guys a quick run down of what I enjoy doing. I play Xbox 360 whenever I can, if...