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  1. K

    ready to harvest???
  2. K

    ready to harvest???

    so the miracle grow soil doesnt really matter?? and the flush doesnt need to happen?again thanks for everything!!! idk I might flush it just to be safe.. I kinda did the a couple of days ago cuz I gave it way too much water lol and was freakin out lol
  3. K

    ready to harvest???

    edit double post.... but it is in miracle grow soil soo I think I'll flush it but how??? just keep over watering it? water every day??
  4. K

    ready to harvest???

    Oh I see lol...well ive only been giving it water from the start so....flush it still?? thanks for all the quick and useful responses everyone!!!
  5. K

    ready to harvest???

    oh and this is my first plant so please understand that Im goin to ask dumbass questions LOL!!!!!
  6. K

    ready to harvest???

    Thanks!!! :bigjoint: What do you mean "chop it"? Bucket head what do you mean flush it???
  7. K

    ready to harvest???

    maybe these are better...i hope
  8. K

    ready to harvest???

    damn it my pics suck!! LOL
  9. K

    ready to harvest???

    I was just wondering if now is the time to harvest or not??? I was goin to leave it till maybe december but Im hot sure if thats ok or if I could take it LOL any advice is much appreciated!! Thanks
  10. K

    My 1st time growing ever! looking for any advice

    oh yea! I do have a light set up but its not completely ready yet
  11. K

    My 1st time growing ever! looking for any advice

    yeah i was definitely going to put them in separate containers.....thanks for the advice so far...Keep it coming
  12. K

    My 1st time growing ever! looking for any advice

    i'll try to get so better pics tomorrow
  13. K

    My 1st time growing ever! looking for any advice

    Hello everyone, I was just wondering how I've been doing.........They have been growing for about 2 1/2 months now and I think they look good but idk. they have been in mircal grow soil from the start, I put them in my window for light and water them about every 4 to 5 days as needed. I read...