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  1. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I can't recall exact timing GreyLord but I started them (put donated clones in tent) on 23rd June and vegged for about 7-8 weeks and they've been flowering ever since. I'll do a better job of the exact timing next time round but I've basically just been flying by the seat of my pants with this...
  2. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there. Another new grower here. Getting on a bit in years so finally decided to have a go at this growing lark myself. Got all the basics and 8 plants currently a few weeks into flower. Had issues with pests and heat but hopefully all my calamities will put me in a better position for the...
  3. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hi there. While i've been a lurking reader for a while i've only recently signed up. Now about 4-5 weeks into flowering with my first ever grow. Had some issues with pests along the way and of course the (relatively) hot summer we had here in the UK. Hoping someone can give me a rough estimate...