Search results

  1. T

    Mass Caregiver looks for Patient/s compasionate, honest, focused on quality meds.

    Im in the Boston revere area and looking for a caregiver. Please email me at [email protected]
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    need caregiver , just got recomendation

    I am also looking for caregiver,. Ive had my cert since october 2013.
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    Medical Marijuana caregiver to buy from in Massachusetts Wanted

    Im loking for caregiver too and it I NOT EASY
  4. T

    New Medical Marijuana patient in suffolk county looking for a caregiver in mass

    I am a new patient and are looking for a caregiver in mass to get medicine. I know you can grow your own but that's going to take a while because I need to get seeds etc. I'm looking for something asap. If anyone can give me info that would be great.