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  1. J

    newbie help

    Not quite that decent, lol. I can afford to get the stuff for a DIY but a ready built one is ouot of my range. At least any I've seen so far
  2. J

    newbie help

    So, I have recently come into possession of 11 3.5 gallon black buckets with lids and I would like to put them to good use. I have a semi decent budget to do what I need to do in order to get something going, just not sure what I want to do exactly. I know I would like to do something hydro...
  3. J

    CFL question

    ah ok, i thought it was so much per plant, not square foot, thank you for clearing that up. so would the 100 watt eqv be enough for 2 square feet or would i need 100 actual watts, not eqv?
  4. J

    CFL question

    I know there is a watt/plant ratio (or something like that) you can use to determine how much light you need, but I was wondering...when looking at a CFL package do i go off of the actual wattage of the bulb or what it says it replaces in a conventional bulb? Seen some 13 watt last night that...
  5. J

    Newbie seeks hydro help

    Do you think a system built in a similar style would work for a NFT system? I heard aero is pretty unforgiving
  6. J

    Newbie seeks hydro help

    lol so would it work starting in a rockwool cube and placing that in pearlite, from seed in a 2" pot? or would that work at all
  7. J

    Newbie seeks hydro help

    Actually no, I've never been there but definately going to check it out lol. Is a 2" pot really big enough? That seems really small to me. Mind if I ask what strain you grow and how much harvest you get per plant by chance? Would having them about 1' apart work for both flowering and veg? I...
  8. J

    Newbie seeks hydro help

    So at about 3' wide I'm guessing 2' between the center of each pot would give enough "elbow" room. Since I'm building my own setup I can use whatever sized pot I need to, just curious what would be the best size to use. Also, after reading this...
  9. J

    Newbie seeks hydro help

    So, I'm thinking about trying to build a small(ish) hydro setup and had some general questions. What size pot (or basket,net,ect.) will I need? I will be starting from seed in a rockwool cube and then placing the cube into pearlite or something of the sort in a flood and drain type of system. I...