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  1. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    thanks, anybody got any info on cleaning the plant out by over watering?? should I just drown it? how many days should I spend doing it?
  2. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    also purple one smells so kick ass its not even funny, sticky as hell too. I also noticed that the plant in the back right in the last pics leaves were starting to change color too. anyone have any idea of what strain this might be?? or perhaps what relationship if any to a particular...
  3. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    Howdy again, just came back from a lil' walk this morning and everything looked as it should I guess, except someone has been out by my plants :( I had a few sticks and strings set up and a couple of them were knocked down, and I dont think it was animals. pics kinda suck, nothing real...
  4. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    damn that is cramped but it looks like she is doing ok, wonder, I have to keep about the same height, but I can go a lil wider. hummmmm . . . ??? how may starts (clones) do you think a rig like yours could handle realistically? just wondering??? 400 HPS in that small of a box has got...
  5. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    lol, yeah those are nice looking Tanis, how far along are they? indoor you say? im interested in a grow box so I can do some clones next spring, attic space is limited, but that aint gonna' stop me!!! I was just fucking around with the pic, well maybe :)
  6. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    dude is that a joke? cause this camera is actually shit. Well its just a cheap Nikon, it started off as not that bad of a camera but it got dropped on the concrete and then it got sand in it from the beach. Id rather listen to my parents have sex than listen to the little motor try and focus...
  7. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    lol, well lucky you :) this isnt the first time my color problem has fucked me :( I might also speculate that your the only grower in the fam?? :) In about a week I think I will ruck back out there and take some more pics, so please keep tuned :)
  8. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    northern Chicago actually, and I used some miracle grow dirt in the holes I dug. Next time I need to be cloning IMO, its just a waste of product and effort when you wind up with males.
  9. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    you know that kinda sounds like what I have, only I have never been diagnosed. Its like I see the colors but I cant name them other than the basic colors, interesting. I though I was just normal color blind :)
  10. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    thanks everyone, guess Ill be waiting a bit more than :(
  11. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    and lol, those green ones are only 5 feet away from the purple ones. but more in the shade, wtf? ... same bag seeds, and plant looks like its just a month or so behind?? fucking sunlight or wat?? Really folks I just wanna get high right now, and I dont have any weed soo.... ...
  12. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    cool, im glad you like still hunting for more info
  13. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    lol, are they really that rare?, lol cause I still have some more seeds :) and plus I pulled some buds off the lower branches last time I was out (first time I posted one week ago or whatever) and it is a nice stone, nice tasting too, (while still on my bullshit ferts, but that was all I...
  14. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    yeh but . . . wtf??? lol!!! im glad you like it, when should I pull?? I suspected everyone would be like pull it now!!! ...and why are the others still green?? p.s. this forum only lets me post so many pics or wat? wish I knew, but I dont have that much "free" computer time for anything...
  15. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    my little ones, still green just to show you whats the deal ?
  16. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    bud pics of the bigger one . . .
  17. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    more pics you say? more of the bigger one
  18. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    howdy again, Its been about a week and I was just wondering if anyone could give me some new info. My bigger plant has turned a lot more purple, even the fan leaves look purple to me?? are they?? is that good or bad?? misshestermoffitt . . . you said its because its getting cooler...
  19. copenhagen

    Pick Early Bud = Mini Colas? Tried it.

    er . . . got any pics?
  20. copenhagen

    Im color blind :(

    yeah I wish it were a bit warmer here still. I had a buddy of mine over yesterday looking at my pics and he said that they looked like they had some purple in them so im likeong that, I just dont wanna wait too long.