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  1. P

    Indoor soil help in iran!!!!

    haha yeah thats the main use.. for pain. i dont know if this is true but they say smoking opium make you live longer..
  2. P

    Indoor soil help in iran!!!!

    yes!! good news well i wont need to make my own compust bucket/cage ive gotten ahold of some bat guano and worm castings. and the main reason i couldnt make my own compost or worm castings is because. 1. it would take to loong compared to the time i have before i go back to the states 2. Im...
  3. P

    Indoor soil help in iran!!!!

    haha i'd be all for it. Yeah its all desert. but it not too different from where i come from. Arizona yeah mainly all the stuff is imported from afghanistan. But the little bit of bud we get is home grown. and a lot cheaper. If you can get ahold of some good stuff its about 20 to 30 dollars...
  4. P

    Indoor soil help in iran!!!!

    haha well im already making a tea :P tasty stuff i hear.. but as for the compost pile. its kinda out of the question seeing as how i live in an apartment. I dont realy wanna go through te hasle of making a compost pile in my apartment. And one of you guys was talking about gettin caught...
  5. P

    Indoor soil help in iran!!!!

    thank man. perlite and vermiculite is super hard to come by. i actually had a friend tell me his sister brough him some form europe.. as for the hash.. we got super awesome hash. Its just a sham im not much of a fan
  6. P

    hey man i noticed in your display picture you're using those efficent light.. how are those...

    hey man i noticed in your display picture you're using those efficent light.. how are those working for ya?
  7. P

    Indoor soil help in iran!!!!

    Hey guy im startin my own little grow room over here in the middle east because weed here flat out sucks and im not the into hash so why not just start growin my own shit :weed: But my problem is that over here isnt like america where you can just go to store and buy all there nutrients and...
  8. P

    persian indoor soil help!!

    Hey guy im startin my own little grow room over here in the middle east because weed here flat out sucks and im not the into hash so why not just start growin my own shit :weed: But my problem is that over here isnt like america where you can just go to store and buy all there nutrients and...
  9. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    meh the english is just more or less an effort to type fast witch being in america with the constant text and what not ahs ruined my typing skills haha yea i think i'm just gonna go fo rthe hydro but you got any idea's for a good system.. check out my former post and see if that seems...
  10. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    yes it is leagal to grown your own..but.. only for food purposes. so growing outdoors is fine but if you have a nosey neighbor or something and they start suspecting something you could have the cops come make a little visit to your house. but as i said before you can always just pay them off...
  11. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    aha yeah the hydroton was i was mostly wondering about. and another question. i was wondering if i needed to put any special nutrients in the water. or if i could maybe just plant some nutrient releasing plants (beans, green beans, grain, clovers, ect...) in a separate resivoir and have the...
  12. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    that a really nice set up.. mind me asking what is in that large sement mixing tray.. and what each part does..
  13. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    really there's nothing 10dollars can't solve here haha and as for the hydro any tips or tricks.. as you can see i'm new to this
  14. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    hey man i've been coming to iran every summer of my life.. i've learned the systems quite well.. in iran it's leagal to grow for food purposes.. but if you're cuaght dealing it's a fine of roughly 2dollars per gram.. or if you're carrying more that 10grams the cops can easily be bribed...
  15. P

    por head stuck in iran :D

    hey guys jsut to introduce myself basically i'm an american that in iran right now for the next year. i got introduced to th eplant by my uncle in washington state. he had some of that BC bud. man that some good stuff. eversince then i've wanted to grow my own. and now here i am in one of the...