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  1. I


    how long does it take to flower? are both types dif. times? did you guys do it in soil or hydro, if hydro what type of system. what was yoru starting flowering height and ending flowering height? what kind of light did you flower under? thanks in advance.
  2. I

    help a grower out

    ever thought of going to a small hps and ditching your 14 bulbs? even though they are cfl when you add a few up they get hot real fast. if you go down to a 250 hps or even a 150 you can control the heat issue by pulling the hot air right from the reflector. i had a ton of cfls going with a veg...
  3. I

    here the frame of my grow box

    if you have a fabric store you can buy curtain black out material. its white and thick and lets NO light through. i used to to make a few tents like yours as well as using it to reflect light back onto the grow area. if i remember i paid $5 a square yard. its very durable, machine washable and...
  4. I

    Church and Cheese Grow

    i have some cheese going and i can tell you the clone you turn into your mom will blow your mind away with growth if you pic a good clipping. i run DWC for everything, cloning, veg, flower. the mom is about 12 inches tall and about the size of a basket ball round with nothing but shoots waiting...