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  1. L

    Palindromic Rheumatism

    morning everyone:-P yesterday i was dx'd with a extremly rare,and painful form of arthritis,called palindromic rheumatism.i have suffered with this since i was 17yrs old,i am now 26yrs.i wounder if anyone else on RIU has the same disease? i really would perfer to keep the narcotics to a VERY...
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    When Does Life Begin ...

    wow wee, i'm a lil timid to post here now. let me start off by telling you i'm a 26yr old,married for 1 yr,(but we've been together for 11yrs) female. i am a stay at home mom to 4 little boys. they are 4yrs,3yr olds twins,and a 2yr old.they are the loves of my life.i absolutly adore them.i...
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    Couple's corner....

    tee hee hee:) hubby and i are both on here too. cannibus canuck i think he calls himself. i call him the big boss;) even bought him a belt buckle!
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    Patchy frost.

    fellow canadian here:) yeah,frost sucks. ditto to wha everyone else said. let the ladies live. mine usually have a couple frosts before harvest. i get plenty high! good luck!
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    ~All Info On Portable A.C Units!!!~Growing With Them!

    hi,i have a portable ac unit in my grow room and it has helped alot with high temps.i paid closer to $400 for mine,but i'm canadian,ey ;). my reflectors aren't air cooled,but i do have the portable ac unit vented outside.(it came with hoses that you put out the window) also,i do have intake and...
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    super sensitive

    madmaty,thanks for your reply. i know my weed is great, lots of tlc goes into it:) just hubby always teases me, calling me a lightweight. he happily finishes whatever i can't, though! was wounding mostly if my thyroid disease (metabolism is screwed up) has anything to do with it, but can't find...
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    super sensitive

    morning everyone! i have a question for you all. first a lil background---> i have been smoking on and off for 10 or 12yrs, i say on and off cause i can smoke dailyx3 for 6months and then just stop without any withdrawl. coffee , pop, and cigs now thoes are hard to quit! bear with me, i can be a...
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    time to stop lurking hehe

    good morning everyone! i've been lurking here under my hubby's account for prolly a yr, so, thought it was time to introduce myself :lol: i'm a 26yr old, female ,from canada. i've been smoking for about 10yrs, growing my own for about 5yrs. just wanted to say i love RIU and come and read daily...
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    Anybody Else Totally In Love?

    hubby and i were together for 10yrs before,11yrs in total we've been together:) marriage wasn't a big concern for us,we knew we would do it when the time was right.we were coming up to our 10yr anniversary and i teased him and told him if he didn't marry me before 10yrs,that i'd...
  10. L

    Anybody Else Totally In Love?

    no,your not crazy! hubby and i have been together 11yrs,and i'm still totally head over heals for him too <3 i still do goofy things like stare at him while he sleeps:) glad to hear you and your wife have had a great's wishing you another great 16yrs!