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  1. S

    My Arduino & LEDs

    Hey guys. I've also been working on a micro-controller to use for automation. I'm not going the open source route (sorry) but am definitely going the low cost route. I'm focused right now on EC/pH and I've calculated my costs, and even on my low volume runs, I can crush BluLabs as far as...
  2. S

    Keep my cheeks dry today

    In the song 'No Rain', by Blind Melon, when he sings the line - Ya know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today. I like to think he is talking about cotton mouth.
  3. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    So its been a little bit since I last posted. I have family in town, so I'm going a little stealth right now. Pre-98 Bubba is doing really good now. My pH kept dropping over the 4th weekend, and I didn't have any pH up, so I had to wait until Monday to go get some. Blah. Anyways, its doing...
  4. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    So Bubba Kush is about 3 1/2 weeks into bloom and looking great. Roots are really starting to recover from the bout of root rot I had earlier. Nutes are around 25-3000 PPM and pH is about 5.7. OG Kush is doing fantastic. I just made a halo out of 2 metal clothes hangars, layed it over the...
  5. S

    hydro setup, plant problems please help, PICTURES!

    Impossible to grow w/o your meters. I tried many times, and failed every time. Save yourself time and money to by not buying the cheapest meters out there either, lol.
  6. S

    Ever meet a celebrity/famous person?

    He was not, AND he had a beard, lol, which is why I didn't recognize him. When he told me he was on the show, I actually thought he was the rat, until he corrected me, haha.
  7. S

    Ever meet a celebrity/famous person?

    I met Beakman from Beakman's World once on a flight. I didn't recognize him at first, until we got chatting, and he told me, and I like, Oh YEAH. Haha, from what I got, he very well might be on these boards. Edit: Link to his pic/bio, haha
  8. S

    Before my first brownie batch I have a few important questions!

    From personal experience, I think you're way better off smoking it. I've never really had good luck with food/drinks made from weed and weed extracts, but I also have a decent tolerance.
  9. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Buds are starting to come in on the pre-98 bubba. It does look like crap from the sun burn, but it is doing great, see the bud pic. I've been putting a lot of bottled ice in the tank lately, and I can really tell the roots appreciate it, lots of new, bright white sprouts growing out of the...
  10. S

    outdoor hydro

    Hey, I'm about halfway through a bloom growing an outdoor Pre98 Bubba and I'm about to start blooming a outdoor Blue Dream hydro. Attached is a pic of my pre-98 bubba from a few days ago. It's a little burned from a combo of foliar spray and too much sun/heat stress from my reflectors...
  11. S

    Best munchie foods?

    No one has mention Gushers. mmmmm... Once I open a package, I usually end up downing the entire box. And the light green ones in the tropical flavor are the best. Watch out for terrible heart burn and green diarrhea if eaten in bulk, haha. Also Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls (fuck Ho Hos)...
  12. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Plants are doing great. The Pre-98 Bubba is now starting to grow buds. It's extremely dense with leaves. Nutes are around 3000 PPM and pH is about 5.7. The OG Kush is now growing VERY fast. It's looking bushier everyday. I've been tying down the branches on the plant to make it extra bushy...
  13. S

    Is this a good thing?

    I use the Dutch Master Liquid Light and Penetrater combo and it works great. Get that instead, IMHO.
  14. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Pic updates. Applied my Liquid Light again today. I eased down a little on the amount since I keep burning the leaves applying too much sunlight with my reflectors. Anyways, I've dropped my pH a little, keeping it at a constant 5.8, checking twice a day. Nute levels for both the bigger plants...
  15. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Go for it man. These are by far and away the best plants I've ever had. And theyre growth rate is insane. Couple tips I've found so far... Don't use white buckets (even if you paint them black). Doesn't work, get black buckets. Also, wrap the buckets in foil tape. This will reflect sunlight...
  16. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Pic Updates. OG Kush and Pre-98 Bubba are doing great. Both are running around 2200 PPM and pH is 5.9. Applying the foliar spray again today, waiting for the sun to come out. My night shade (not pictured) decided to keel over yesterday, not sure, why. I dropped the nute level and raised the...
  17. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Pic Updates. Pre-98 Bubba is about 10 days into flower. Smell is noticably stronger (but still pretty faint). I'm getting the nutes up to about 2000 ppm, pH = 6.0. The OG Kush plant (smaller of the bigger plants), is really starting to take off. I'm running its nutes at around 2000 ppm right...
  18. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    Pic updates. I changed the res for Pre-98 Bubba. Running it at 1600 ppm 6.0 pH with FF Nutes. The OG Kush is running at around 1300 ppm and 6.1 pH, and its almost time to change its water. I have a bucket of 1500 ppm 6.0 pH ready to go. I also bought an aquarium filter with suction cups that...
  19. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    New Pics. Big Bushy plant - pre 98 Bubba - 12/12 for about 6 days Smaller plant - OG Kush The potted plant is Blue Dream.
  20. S

    Indoor/Outdoor Hydro - Comments Welcome

    This is going to be focused on my Indoor/Outdoor hydro plants. Stats: Nighttime Light - 600W HPS (air cooled) + 2 - 65W Fluorescent Fox Farm Nutes Dutch Master Liquid Gold / Penetrator Foliar Sphray Tap Water Cardboard Reflectors (made from mylar) 2 - 5 Gallon buckets, painted black and...