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  1. S

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I had ceiling light fixture w/ those lousy plastic bases. It shorted out...scorched the ceiling before I got the power turned off. good thing I was in the next room. Would never own one of those things again.
  2. S

    beginner need help on aero garden

    For the pump...I just got a cheap aquarium pump and an airstone and tubing at PetSmart. An additional pump is not 100% necessary with the AG but I do think it helped get more oxygen to the roots. I didn't spend more than about $20-25, as I recall. You also want to get a "check valve" or...
  3. S

    beginner need help on aero garden

    Regarding the tall plant question: You can get a "figure 8" cord for the AG light at Radio Shack. This lets you disconnect the light from the rest of the AG unit. You can hang the AG light from the ceiling or whatever after you disconnect it.
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    @Aerogarden users

    IMHO the AeroGarden is great for producing smallish quantities of quality herbage. It's pretty easy to use (even by someone who really never gardened before) and not too expensive. The AG haters are right that the yield is not super-great with this setup, but I knew that going in and I'm...
  5. S

    help me wtf is going on, this f'ing aero garden bullsh*t

    not sure I understand. Are you still vegging or have you changed to 12/12 light schedule to induce flowering? I've had good luck with the aerogarden even tho I can't garden to save my life, usually What everyone else sad about the nutes burning young plants is true from my experience
  6. S

    What # of plants to grow?

    I think the law as written and the law as it is enforced can be very different. A lot depends on getting a good lawyer. Personally I would expect a small personal grow to be pleaded down to a misdemeanor. That's only if the charges aren't dismissed outright. If you get busted exercise your...
  7. S

    ***PICS*** New growth has dark blotches and is wilting ***PICS***

    I had some AG plants that looked pretty bad. Couldn't tell whether it was too much nute or not enuf, but something wasn't right! Siphoned out the old water containing AG nutes and replaced with distilled water and 1 Tblsp of Big Bloom, 1/4 tsp of Tiger Bloom (also added more Tiger Bloom over...
  8. S

    Aerogarden club

    I'm sure that the anti-AG folks are right that there are way less expensive and more productive ways to get growing. But here's why it's right for yours truly, at least so far (five weeks in, and so far so good...) One of the nice things about getting OLD is that you learn not to BS...