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  1. H

    Soaking Seeds in Fresh Aloe

    Anyone have experience soaking seeds in fresh aloe? Or Aloe Juice? Perhaps Coconut Juice? Someone here mentioned aloe and I've been wondering about it, but I have forgotten who said it. I haven't seen it mentioned often. I think it would work, but would like input on the potential for it to...
  2. H

    Clone Recovery

    Are there holes in the bottom of your cups? If they were root bound you should have roots coming out the holes in the bottom. If you can see roots you should already have transplanted.
  3. H

    What to Do? (Help My Build!) 4x CXB3590 72v and 3x 1400mA Driver Ordered

    Guys, I won't have any trouble running this on 120 v AC will I? Both with one cable/outlet supplying both drivers or separate.
  4. H

    What to Do? (Help My Build!) 4x CXB3590 72v and 3x 1400mA Driver Ordered

    Ugh sorry, as you can tell my math is pretty rusty and I'm a bit scatter brained. I meant 4 square feet, 2'x2' which seems small for so many lights but who knows!
  5. H

    What to Do? (Help My Build!) 4x CXB3590 72v and 3x 1400mA Driver Ordered

    Thank you for your input! You are the head guru around here so I was hoping you'd chime in... I did the math and plan to run it at about the 1.05 (or actually just 1) amp. Having the driver perfectly maxed out for full efficiency is actually one reason I decided on this setup... I think I had...
  6. H

    What to Do? (Help My Build!) 4x CXB3590 72v and 3x 1400mA Driver Ordered

    Thank you for pointing that out, I guess you are the first person to save my ass on this :P I did do a lot of research and calculations etc so I feel dumb now, my brain is pretty scrambled trying to calculate the possibilities of so many configurations and I'm just anxious to get things moving...
  7. H

    What to Do? (Help My Build!) 4x CXB3590 72v and 3x 1400mA Driver Ordered

    TLDR How should I space my lights for a 3ft x 6ft or 6ft x 6ft area, is 3000K alright to start with veg, how should I use my extra driver... help me build something cool! A ton of research has been done, to the point where it was just going in circles trying to decide between overall...
  8. H

    Used mason jars

    They have lids as well as packs of brand new mason jars at Walmart, the price is reasonable for a pack of like 12 quart jars.