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  1. K

    frost damage. now what

    Ya been hangin for a day now and looks Fuckin bomb lol like I said only the fans were dead and droopy but the buds look and smell awesome. Seein the fans like that just freaked me out i guess
  2. K

    frost damage. now what

    Is it possible the frost only effected the fan leaves and the bud is fine?
  3. K

    frost damage. now what

    Srry no pics but it doesnt seem like anything really happened to the buds. Not anymore moist than before, colour hasnt changed, and trichomes still look good and normal under 60x magnification. I guess just hang and hope for the best?
  4. K

    frost damage. now what

    No one? Geeeeeze lol well I let them hang out in the sun til it went down, brought them in and harvested. The buds look and smell just like they should...are they going to be alright? Is there Nything I shud do or watch for while drying these buds?
  5. K

    frost damage. now what

    So im a stupid greedy fuck and put ky plants out this morning before work while a light frost was just starting to recede and sure enough now I'm back hone and droopy ass leaves galore. Only the fan leaves are droopy but others look ok. Nothing looks wet just droopy leaves. What shud i do...
  6. K

    Frost warning! plants safe in shed?

    Well thanks again to all who replied! Woke up to a pretty heavy frost on just about everything this morning. Heart racing, i went to check how the girls fared... And all four of the beautys were looking better than ever! One of the more behind plants had overnight gained a ton oftrichomes and...
  7. K

    Frost warning! plants safe in shed?

    Thanks for the replies guys! Feelin better about the frost Tn now! Got em in the shed safe n sound looking more purple by the day lol Atleast a week or so to go hopefully the weather holds out !
  8. K

    Frost warning! plants safe in shed?

    Plants are in week 9 of flowering (sativa Dom) and there is a frost warning for Tn goin down to 0 with clear skies and -3 with the wind chill. My girls are not quite done to my liking and I was wondering if putting them in my shed overnight with the pots wrapped in fabric will be enough...
  9. K

    buds changing density week 6?

    Yup its cold for sure already went through a frostnd daily highs are only around 7 or 8 . I have flushed already and they r packin on the crystal but still don't seem as dense as they were a week or two ago.
  10. K

    buds changing density week 6?

    Nobody else has had this happen? I've had it two yrs in a row lol maybe strain related I guess
  11. K

    buds changing density week 6?

    So on my outdoor grow, not sure of strain but I'm guessing from stature and leaf size , definately a sativa/indica hybrid. Anyways, about 6 weeks into flowering the kolas will get hard and dense to the touch but still have all white pistols and clear trichomes, I have one plant that is farther...