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  1. H

    just choped up ?

    what you end up doing
  2. H

    got beat up pretty bad today

    i am sure you sort things out you not got any mates you hang around with at school
  3. H

    6 happy happy girls

    maybe not all girls lol
  4. H

    First Grow Harvest!

    wow nice grow west
  5. H

    **New Attic Grow**

    looking good mate need help setting up a web site email me [email protected] or message me in here
  6. H

    My new Grow Trash Can!

    this for vegging
  7. H

    My new Grow Trash Can!

    think its looking great my friend
  8. H

    making cannabis vegetable oil..

    how are you all
  9. H

    High yielding high THC

    PPP is really strong so each one says
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    My First Grow

    lol i know i am bad stoned going to bed
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    Fridge Grow

    hi all picture looks better since you have coloured it in lol stone again night night
  12. H

    Dealer fucked up - Should I be ecstatic or cautious?

    keep it he said keep it if he paid for it and does not owe someone else any money for them
  13. H

    My First Grow

    hi all more pics Marijuana Growing - hairbear79's Album: a day on from last time lol
  14. H

    My First Grow

    hi all stoned again lol took some more pics think they are diffenent to the other ones lol how u all going been giving my plants lots of feed to see if they can take it lol
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    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    looking good mate hope my turn out as good
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    My First Grow

    just come home to feed my babys lol i am a chef got to go back to work now going to do a lot better on my next grow but really think i have done ok for a first try what does anyone recommend for my next grow
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    My First Grow

    thank you steve going to post some more pics tomorrow think they are getting bigger eveyday but this might be me i love my plants lol
  18. H

    1st Grow - Indoor sealed room(skunk #1).

    think your a month on from me lol looking great i am going to do a sick grow next time lol
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    Fridge Grow

    looking good whats the mesh for your bottom section is looking quite small but what do i know