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  1. T

    hii Please help me

    Me neither, it's mad!! Lol
  2. T

    C99-bx1 mosca seeds

    Cheers for the replies. I've just started 3 of them along with 3 mr nice medicine man.
  3. T

    C99-bx1 mosca seeds

    Hey all, anyone tried the c99-bx1?
  4. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Anyone tried mosca seeds c99-bx1?
  5. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Gotta be better than a legless cripple though.
  6. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cant be bothered tbh. If u want to succeed,,, go be a fuckin budgie.
  7. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lol, I can't believe you all actually took the bait.
  8. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hes just as filthy as she is. Both love it when you fist their arses.
  9. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You got one? I'll let you know if you have. Not had a goat before , had several sheep though. Might be disappointing, might be the same. Got anything else on offer, ur dads just text me and his arse is still sore, but he says ur mums up for it if I bring my dog along with me.
  10. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hermits rock! Lol
  11. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    oooops, ya got me! Cuntfuckers!!
  12. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lol you can shove your sympathy right up your fuckin arse you narrow minded fuckwit. By the way, ur mums great in bed, but ur dad was even more fun.
  13. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I couldn't care less what anyone thinks. If you've not thrown abuse at me up to yet then I apologise. Yes I am a hermit. I lost both my legs in a truck crash some years ago.
  14. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Anything wrong with this? Apart from the fact it's been pushed to the max with feed.
  15. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    google what??? I cropped that a few weeks ago. There's no need to talk to people or abuse people like you do. And be proud of it??? Why?? heres another pic, on my bedside table. How did I get that off google? That's the dope I grow. You seemed to be saying earlier my weed didn't look too good...
  16. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    and why in your opinion am I a reject?? What offence have I thrown at you? Are you all this rude and ignorant in real life too? Or are you just complete morons who think they are weed gods when you turn on your computers and can hide away in your bedroom. I'm assuming that's where most of you...
  17. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Why do you have to swear?? Why has it got to be "fucking weed dude"? Can't it just be "weed"?
  18. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    And and what exactly don't you like about it? You're a little immature really. Are you sure you're old enough to be on here?
  19. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You are really sad, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for anyone that knows you.
  20. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Oh believe me be me it isn't "a bag of shite" as you so eloquently put it. It's top class medical marijuana. 20 oz every two weeks. Now you're grow doesn't impress me as much now that you've told me you like to veg your plants. Unless it was just one plant that you got the 30 off?? In which case...