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  1. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    we left our five babies in the window sill until they got to somewhere around 6" before i was able to find the 150W hps security lamp that i found again this site saved me as i just about bought the murcury vapor one sitting beside it hehe then it was time to set up it would be very bad if...
  2. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    haha should i take being compared to MM as a compliment or an insult ;) no i'm kidding but i'm not him hehe Anyway details well don't know what you wanna know i posted early in this thread what i was up to and that i would post pictures and then well kinda forgot and it wasn't till i say the...
  3. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    sorry to have taken so long but here's my setup it's been tweeked so many times and will continue to be tweeked please suggestions are welcome but be kind i've done what i can with the budget i'm on and the fact that i was thrown in without proper time to prepare ;)
  4. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    well i've been reading for a while now and started my own 150w grow cabinet and it's coming along nicely i'll fill in some details on my story i started this cabinet as a results of coming home to find 4 little seedlings growing in my bedroom window. turns out my wife had found some seeds in...