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  1. G

    cannabis seedlings!

    i recently flushed the medium because the run off was coming out a 700ppm which is way to high and they looked the same then so i know its not under feed...... i was thinking totally the oppasite
  2. G

    cannabis seedlings!

    i calibrate my ph meter everytime i use it with the ph buffer solution.... i have fed at 350 ppm at 5.8
  3. G

    cannabis seedlings!

    i had just watered m8 literally... yes i have changed the light to a 400 w
  4. G

    cannabis seedlings!

    [Qcan anybody tell me what is wrong with these??? i have germinated these myself from seed.
  5. G

    Buying seeds!

    can anybody tell me the best and safest place to buy seeds from online? i am in the uk. cheers
  6. G

    cannabis seedlings!

    does the same apply in coco?
  7. G

    cannabis seedlings!

    can anybody tell me from a germinated seed ... when i should start feeding and how often and at what ec level??? cheers guys...
  8. G

    Help please guys

    i have always topped mine m8 and even on my 1st grow i averaged 4 per plant...... my best as i told you 8 per plant........ topping def gives you a better yield. If you top once you end up with two main colas as against just the one if you dont top them and its best to top them nice and early as...
  9. G

    Help please guys

    in general i have never had no less that 4 per plant and that was when i first started ...... my best 8.25 per plant this was growing in coco and perlite..... hand feeding with vitalink grow sensical a and b.... then onto vitalink bloom....... sensical bloom a and b..... vitalink buddy and...
  10. G

    Help please guys

    thats a great help m8 thanks....... so what do you average per plant and how do you feed in general? i tend to give 1 feed followed by 2 waterings of fresh water
  11. G

    Help please guys

    yeh thats a great help m8 ty.... but i was told for seedlings to ph much higher at 6.5....... this is the first time i have geminated my own seedlings from scratch. Before i have just bought cuttings set them off in coco and perlite mixed on 18 hours veg cycle and ph between 5.8 and 6.3 and they...
  12. G

    Help please guys

    so what would u say the optimum ph is robbo?
  13. G

    Help please guys

    how am i locking out the nutes when i am ph my water and nutes to 6.5?
  14. G

    Help please guys

    I have tried to take some pics guys but the red on the leaves on within the leaves is so faint that the camera wont pic it up. when u tern the cuttings upside down and hold them under the light you can see it within the leaf...... my seedlings are just over 2 weeks old and i have got them under...
  15. G

    Help please guys

    i will get some on for u guys cheers
  16. G

    Help please guys

    hi guys i have germinated my own cannabis seedlings which are now just over 2 weeks old. I started them off in the coco coir blocks and have been watering them using a ph of 6.5 only recently have i started using the plant start nutrients and i have only given them one feed with a e.c of 0.8 and...