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  1. D

    How good

    Sorry to reawaken this thread but I was curious if anybody knows why there is a login in screen as soon as you come to BestBud.Biz I want to order from here but how do I sign up or access there site for that matter?
  2. D

    Weed and Airport security

    When I was coming back from denmark about a year ago to come to the states. I brought back 10 grams of some black puddy hash; however there are a couple steps you can take to ensure that it does not smell nearly as bad. First before I left my house I split the little block into three pieces...
  3. D

    Changing the drinking age to 18

    Ya in reality they really do need to lower the drinking age as the laws, treat the them like children whilst they are taxed, enlisted, able to smoke, drive. But for God Sakes more support for HR 5842 & 5843 Legalize medicinal and decriminalize up to 100 grams. Just a reminder
  4. D

    HIGHGRADE SEEDS... avoid

    Its sad to see people lured into traps like this, the troll could easily be a competing site in which he wants to bad mouth his comp; however it could be a legitimate accusations coming from an individual who is borderline slow. But thats only my spin on things :-)
  5. D

    Newcomer in geneva from copenhagen

    Hey all, I am new to this community, I happened to stumble upon whilst randomly Googling. I have recently moved from Copenhagen to Geneva. Trying to get adjusted to the city as it is quite a bit smaller than were I have lived previously. In addition to this still having a bit of trouble...
  6. D

    a little taste of Switzerland

    I have tried strawberry and its some good shit man, hope the harvest goes well. By the way I live in Switzerland as well. How long you been growing for? Also you voicing for the hanf initiative on Nov. 30?