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    I've done this with pure svtia I wouldn't recommend it on that strain.
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    What a 9.0 ph does to cannabiss

    Fluctuations. I'm guessing the ph was pretty close to being right, here an there. I also tested chlorine levels in the cities water an That played a big part in killing them as well. After finaly getting a Ph raising kit an a chlorine filter for my spick it, everything is perfect an all...
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    Attitude order confiscated in Chicago, but did not include a letter, only a note

    Thats just it, if you don't call them back there not going to do anything bc there are tons of ppl that get the wrong shit or get there stuff confiscated an are too scared to say anything Or even call, so attitude gets free money. There are tons of ppl saying there seeds got taken or crushed...
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    What a 9.0 ph does to cannabiss

    I was told my tap water was a level 7.0 all the time from the city... Errrrr wrong its 9.0 an this is what it did to my plants
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    Does this look like a nitrogen problem? PICS

    Also I used kindeny beans for my magnesium source. About 1 cup equals 70mg of magnesium. I used a blender an blened about 6 cups up an put it throughout my plants. I couldn't put much in my problem plant bc its still kinda small.
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    Does this look like a nitrogen problem? PICS

    Idk if you can see it but my dinafem white widow is having some problems with the leaves turning yellowish brown an getting dead spots on them, I thought it may have been a magnesium problem so I have it some also gave it potassium both organicly. Its only about a foot high into veg an I'm...
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    Attitude order confiscated in Chicago, but did not include a letter, only a note

    That's funny this sound like something a con man would do. I've oder twice from attitude. My first order I bought 2 seeds, I got both seeds BOTH CRUSHED! LOL sent them a email an all that shit, they said will fix your order with your next order, first off let me say my two seeds that were...
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    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    O man that looks like a strin from doggie nuts. Is it?
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    cloning auto flowering cannabiss

    My goal in doing this is the same goal as regular cloning I made 1 plant into 3. All starting there flowering stage at about 1 foot same as there mother. I never have to buy a new seed if I forget to make some clones before flowering them or if it has already started its flowering cycle bc its...
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    cloning auto flowering cannabiss

    It just stopped flowering. It didn't completely stop flowering, there were always little bugs on it but they didnt start getting bigger intill the plants reached about a 1 ft high then the buds started to grow out. I'm guessing it never went back into veg it just got as big as the mother plant...
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    cloning auto flowering cannabiss

    I decided to try cloning a northern light blue auto once it was already flowering. This seem to work well,. but changing the clone from flowering back to veg took some time but it did work. Just took a couple month. 3 clones off a one foot plant lol. This can be done If you didn't now...
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    How do i apply wood ash to raise ph?

    I thought it's baking soda, and vinger lowers it. I think wood ash is for magnesium
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    Leaves turning spotty, is it PK deficiency?

    May be sodium toxicity but probably magnesium, I'm having the same thing happening to me an a lot of other people, but like dude said your ph is probably of locking out nuts.
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    Yellow Dots on the leaves!

    That's what spider mites look like an this was taken with a camera. Don't come in here acting all smart shit an Turing around saying the same shit i did without the soil. My post never get answer's bc no one knows whats wrong, so ya I do no what im talking about. You fucking idiots are...
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    Yellow Dots on the leaves!

    Don't tell him its spider mites bc he would see them, dont act like im wrong either he has. A ph or mag problem. My advise is better then telling someone they have something base off some dots. He said he didnt THINK he had them so listen to him. Half you retards say the dumbish shit ever bc...
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    Help nutrient deficiency !!!!!

    Its potassium deff or your have a nut lock but its deftly potassium bc of the colors of the leaves
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    Yellow Dots on the leaves!

    I have the exact same problem. The one reason I no its not bugs is bc I've never checked my ph an I have always used ciity tap water an always had the same problem. Your problem more an likely Is you ph is office by a little an your soil is very low on magnesium -Ma. So once u get your ph...
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    Yellow Dots on the leaves!

    It's not fucking spider mites are u kidding me, very rarely you get a expert gower in here giving you good info, half u guess talking about spider mites never even had them before.. you have a ph problem your ph is too low an your plants are pulling nutrients out of the leaves bc of nut lock...
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    Anyone Know what probem this is Pics!

    I THINK this is a Ph problem nut lock , I've tried fixing it with adding more potassium, didn't help. im going to try cal mag if the ph isnt off .Or it could be the soil I'm using witch is miracle grow. Ive only ever used city tap water an I don't start seeing this problem until early to mid...