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  1. SmokeUpNorth

    dam temperature

    Have you tried insulating the shed? W/ a radiant heater you risk drying out your plants. Your basically aiming HID heat bulbs at your crop
  2. SmokeUpNorth

    Pump Noise

    hang it by a bungie cord. This helps to dampen the vibrations. Also helps to keep it out of the way of spills and such. Also increase background noise in the area. Put an alternating fan in the room or a computer. Anything that would "mask" the sound and give a reasonible explaination for...
  3. SmokeUpNorth

    Recommendations for DE-HUMIDIFIER????

    Delonghi makes a nice one with an automatic pump that allows you to pump the water continously to another location. Nice if you don't have a drain nearby for the typical gravity drain.
  4. SmokeUpNorth

    CO2 burning leaves problem!! HELP!!

    Make an airlock. Take a piece of tubing and wrap tape around it till it fits snugg in the bottles mouth. Then place the other end in another bottle or water. This will also keep your yeast culture happier by keeping out foreign nasties. Better yet, buy a cheapie one at the brew sho when you...
  5. SmokeUpNorth

    Male or female?

    Use it for practice for things like, cloning, pruning, curing, etc.
  6. SmokeUpNorth

    Indoor Bamboo Grow

    nah, I let them have cat grass and its a bit different. They yack it up almost instantly, then its like ipacac or something cause it doesn't stop. lol.
  7. SmokeUpNorth

    Indoor Bamboo Grow

    I grow "lucky bamboo" as an ornamental for my house. Couple of hints. Even though they are sold in water they perfer a well draining soil. If you are going to keep them in water, change it every few weeks. Wash the stones off when you do this. For food you want a mild fertilizer. I use the same...
  8. SmokeUpNorth

    Would anyone recommend these fans?

    I had one in college. I used it to exhaust my dorm room when I was a chain smoker. They work really well for the size, but can be loud at the highest setting. They had no problem keeping my 6' 10' dorm room smoke free.