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  1. Caspernode

    24/0 is freaking awesome!!!!

    true dat, but do you think you should have at least 4 hr dark period for the root system?
  2. Caspernode

    "What is an 'Altcoin' and Why Should I Care?"

    Lol, i knew he was gonna mention food.
  3. Caspernode

    General Cloning ?'s

    wow, 10 years? thats incredible, yeah imma do that, now im glad i set up a clone space, ill probly cut a clone about a week or two, there branching out but they only got 3 smaller leaves, i cut it at 45 degree angle from the node right? like where the branch meets the main stem?
  4. Caspernode

    General Cloning ?'s

    Yeah, you should put up some pics when they get big, id love to see how those turn out!
  5. Caspernode

    General Cloning ?'s

    ok, im glad i havent flowered her yet, thanks everyone for your amazing help, yes i know these questions have been asked before, but alot of ppl were going back and forth and when someone said one thing, the other said the opposite. Also 2 bonus ?'s if you dont mind, I have a plant that split...
  6. Caspernode

    General Cloning ?'s

    I heard alot of differnt things, but what do you think? can you keeping cloning from a clone? will it degrade the plant? can you clone without rooting hormones? how long do you put it in water untill you put it in dirt? do you reveg a clone or do you have to keep it in flower like the mother...
  7. Caspernode

    Serious Genetic Engineering Gene Guns

    Well, i just wanted to change the look of marijuana so that it can be hidden very easy, i like moon flowers too, heavanly blue is the most popular, but i can feel the differnce.
  8. Caspernode

    Serious Genetic Engineering Gene Guns

    I know a girl in the same group that goes by Core, i know she could help, but since it marijuana i dont want her to know, i cant tell weather shes cool or not cuz she dont talk, she not nice or mean, just like emotionless, i doubt she has ever changed her blank face, creeps me out. she knows the...
  9. Caspernode

    Serious Genetic Engineering Gene Guns

    perfectly said, i have a clue, but since i don't (currently) have access to what is basically a non-strain dependent cannabis DNA map, i have to go through testing this and that, and eventually find the right pieces, its like swimming in a pool the size of earth, full of random and different...
  10. Caspernode

    Serious Genetic Engineering Gene Guns

    Ok, look, ive been working outdoors with this, my main goal is to recreate the look of the leaves and the biggest one, color. i have shitty results with tungsten so i have to use gold, wich is very expensive, my main problem is locating the correct genes, ive been using morning glory (has...
  11. Caspernode

    Teleportation DOES exist

    i know what your refering to, they aged a pencil and moved it across the room or sumthin, but i remember it was just a trick with thermodynamics, they used heat. just like when when that guy put meat in a closed jar and flies was flying around a while later, there were eggs in it before he...
  12. Caspernode

    BC Bud Depot ? any thoughts

    lol, i fail.
  13. Caspernode

    BC Bud Depot ? any thoughts

    o wait you mean the cannabis guy?
  14. Caspernode

    BC Bud Depot ? any thoughts

    Hahahaha, Arjan? who dat? the only arjan i know of is a funny lookin bearded guru guy. lol
  15. Caspernode

    BC Bud Depot ? any thoughts

    let me guess, you just signed up to get theis one ? answerd and youll forget about it l8er, Or, do you have amnesia and forgot that you already made this thread twice? Beowolf, your a bigger douche than John Edward.
  16. Caspernode

    BC Bud Depot ? any thoughts

    goddamnit, posting multiple threads wont get you more answers, theyll end up being deleted
  17. Caspernode

    Random stoner talk.

    Popcana? Genius! and seeds arnt illegal,,, i just may make a Popcana shop if this taste good, i put cheese on it so it cant be too bad, and if i do make a shop i shall place a poster of your avatar and username, forever declaring that you created a name for the best popmarijuana in the world...
  18. Caspernode

    Random stoner talk.

    Never!!!!! it shall stay alive for decades! never falling from grace, never having a fallacy, an omnipitent Thread! or untill the site owner deletes it or shuts the site.
  19. Caspernode

    Random stoner talk.

    Good idea, but idk how,,, nevermind imma do it outside on the grill! Lol, i remember me and my brother making napalm out here, melted foam in gas, stoned off our ass we lit it up, our old washer sitting outside, he caught it on fire, i hit the grass laughing, he kept screaming "michael help, omg...
  20. Caspernode

    Random stoner talk.

    Stove bottems, and Largewaves, do it real big ya know, like small at first and then BALHAAAAAAAM!!! Forget normal butter, using canni butter!!!! (yeah im really doing it right now, does not look promising)