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  1. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    Tsk, tsk, tsk! Are we done fighting, little ones? :wall: J/K Taproot has appeared and has been transplanted into my RW cube. I think the move was a little clumsy but only time will tell. As soon as I grab my camera from my "old man", I'll start posting pics!!
  2. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    I'm up and heading to work. lol. Going to be another fun day. Hopefully everything goes well with my seed and mother nature is on my side today while I'm gone. Maybe starting a grow journal would be a good idea. I'll be back tonight with an update.
  3. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    Also, on page 23 of your 2 week thread. Trying to read the whole thing, but DAMN its long. lol.
  4. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    You have a wealth of info Al. So happy your helping out here. This is my first run, so I'm only germing one of the seeds to test it out. I did germ 5 or 6 bag seeds the same way, this is just the first run with the expensive snow whites (the real mothers). I know I need to get some H2O2...
  5. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    Thanks Al. Good to hear your input on this. I am just using it to get my rockwool soaking solution to 5.5. I have my RW in it now, and my snow white seed in a cup of untreated tap water (7.0). I will be using pH down from my hydro shop once I start with my rez. I just dont have any...
  6. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    Awesome!! Time to get started then!
  7. A2 Burnout

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    I am about to germ a few snow white seeds and I need to drop my tap water from 7.0 to 5.5. Can I use vinegar to do this? Will the vinegar hurt my expensive seeds? I am going to just germ in a coffee cup of water. Should the water in the cup be 5.5 as well as the water I soak the rockwool...
  8. A2 Burnout

    Fill/Drain fittings for my E/F SoG....

    Thanks for all the idea guys! The ones at BG are only 3.95...thats about what it would cost to just make a set. lol. Probably just going to buy them there. Thanks again guys!
  9. A2 Burnout

    Fill/Drain fittings for my E/F SoG....

    I'm trying to put together my own fill and drain fittings but am having a really hard time finding what I need at lowes. Has anyone made their own before and could help me out a bit? Thanks.
  10. A2 Burnout

    Fill/Drain fittings for my E/F SoG....

    I'm trying to put together my own fill and drain fittings but am having a really hard time finding what I need at lowes. Has anyone made their own before and could help me out a bit? Thanks.
  11. A2 Burnout

    getting seeds

    I heard a lot of good shit about Nirvana, so about 6 days ago I grabbed 5 Snow White fems. from them. I hope they show up. Like I said, been about 6 days. Ordered them on Sunday the 7th. I'll update if I get them. Good luck with the bag seeds. I have 5 bag seeds going until I get my snow...
  12. A2 Burnout

    Inline fan question...

    I am on a very limited budget here with my new SoG room. Its in a 240 cu. ft. closet. Would this fan work, hung with a bunjee cord from the ceiling and a duct going from this to the outside of the room? Suncourt 6-inch in-line booster fan Fan mounts in sheet metal or flexible ductwork...
  13. A2 Burnout

    100w HPS question for 6x6 growroom

    Damn, I wish I would have checked this thread again before ordering my 400w from HTG. I think the heat would have possibly been an issue with 1000w in my little 6x6 room. 400w will be plenty for the op I am planning. Thanks a ton for the link gangja! Might be something I will need in the...
  14. A2 Burnout

    Veg under 2x40w floruos or 400w HPS?

    Anyone? At what age is it safe to HPS her beautiful ass?
  15. A2 Burnout

    Veg under 2x40w floruos or 400w HPS?

    Thanks man. At what size can i put the mothers under the HPS? Dont want to kill them.
  16. A2 Burnout

    Veg under 2x40w floruos or 400w HPS?

    Yea, I'm only going to grow 2 from seed. The rest will be small clones. :)
  17. A2 Burnout

    Apartment closet exaust help!!

    I've got a combination lock mounted on my closet door frame already, and I'll be putting a new doorknob on the bedroom with a keylock. The kind of knobs on front doors of houses. That way people cant just walk in my room, and when I bring a bitch home, my closet is locked as well so she doesnt...
  18. A2 Burnout

    Veg under 2x40w floruos or 400w HPS?

    Not really sure what ya mean.... Of course I will use clones.
  19. A2 Burnout

    Veg under 2x40w floruos or 400w HPS?

    Thats only 4 sq. ft. of plants under the 400w HPS. 100w per sq. ft. should be plenty from what I've read. Am I wrong?
  20. A2 Burnout

    Apartment closet exaust help!!

    My dad actually had a really good idea I think. He told me to just remove the doorknob from the door and pipe my fan thru that hole. It would only be about 2 inches, but I think I can squeeze a 4" dryer tube thru it. Any comments on that idea?