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  1. M

    So i have a few of these bug's hanging out on my ladies.. Friend or foe?

    spicy cilantro. strong enough to choke you.
  2. M


    Oh and my entire family is allergic to their cyanide like "stink" …
  3. M


    So even if I remove all the BM stink bugs from my plants, its too late? btw BM = Brown marmorated but I like BM better because they are actually less useful than a bowel movement. The devils children those bastards... Excuse my french, I used to feel bad for them, I leave spiders in the house...
  4. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    I don't think he is playing a joke, he more of the strong silent type, but I'm positive he would have let me in on it by now. :) *evil laugh *rubs hands together, my diabolical plan to grow tomatoes for a month, and use my overpriced nutes to get 4 free seeds worked!!! obviously that was...
  5. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Um I think I pretty much blamed it on myself from the start. Any who....after 15 emails and pics of all my tomato plants, the VSB rep has generously offered to make it right, and left it open for me to decide what exactly that is. And their email reply was timely. I asked for 4 seeds or a...
  6. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Yes I think my email prompted Rebeccas post.
  7. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Look I dont want anyone to think I'm slandering VSB, Im not here for attention, a cruel joke or for a couple of free seeds. Ive thought over this for like 3 weeks, and finally decided to ask on a forum Ive been lurking on for years, and recently joined. I know people are crazy sometimes but I...
  8. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    And thanks again for everyone's help and reliable seed bank info....I researched seeds banks also, couldn't find much about north country and what I did find was positive so...
  9. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Yeah it wasnt stealth, if so they really shorted me a few seeds....I think on page 2 I posted a pic of the seeds so....they looked pretty cannabis like to me...although Ive never grown cannabis, Ive seen quite a few seeds. I just assumed if they ripped me off hardcore (like somehow colored...
  10. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    I did shoot them an email with a link to the thread earlier this morning. They haven't replied yet. Ill be sure to post an update. For the record, I'm fine with human error, Ive made stupid mistakes, I wasnt aiming to "slander" north country seeds or VSB, Im well aware of their legit...
  11. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    As you can see I also ordered some tea tree (melaleuca) seeds. I hadn't even popped the cotton out until last night to snap this photo. I didn't get any soil from outside, as I am growing in brand new coco coir. 4 out of 5 of the seeds I germ'ed turned out to be tomatoes. The larger dark seeds...
  12. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Im not playing any games. How about instead of going to grasscity you get the hell off my thread Jekyll/Hyde. Youve insulted me twice now, and I dont really appreciate it....I just spend a month growing tomato seeds I paid premium price for, using my own hard earned cash and you want to be a...
  13. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Its smells like a tomato plant.
  14. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    1. I think I said in my original post that I've grown many other plants. So yes, I know exactly what a tomato seed looks like. All the seeds looked exactly alike. 2. Anyone can feel free to email the seed bank to get free seeds, I won't be doing business with North Country or VSB. This was the...
  15. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    and this is from my lush baby I thought was getting close to pre flower?
  16. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    To the right of my middle finger is the tiny cluster of balls
  17. M

    So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

    Long time Lurker, 1st time poster...I have started my very first grow from seeds purchased from North Country Seeds. They are a sister company of Vancouver Seed Bank. I have a few elementary questions, which are mostly based on my extreme paranoia and inexperience in growing cannabis. I have...