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  1. The Dr.

    Closet Grow with Plant Issues Need Help!

    They look real close Brasmith. I picked up a cheap microscope that does 60-100X magnification, and there are still a lot of clear trichromes. With that in mind they need at least a week or so. Do you think the plant will survive for long without leaves and just buds? BTW, Thanks for the praise!
  2. The Dr.

    Closet Grow with Plant Issues Need Help!

    This little lady looks close to finishing. All the leaves are just about gone, but the buds are still lookin good. Most of the hairs have turned orange witha few white ones still on top. Today is the end of 8 weeks.
  3. The Dr.

    Closet Grow with Plant Issues Need Help!

    Well, things haven't improved that much. Day 52 of flowering and the leaves are still pale. I've heard of some stuff call Clearex, would that be a wise thing to do? I hope they make it another 2-3 weeks.
  4. The Dr.

    Closet Grow with Plant Issues Need Help!

    Thanks to everyone for the advice. I'm in agreement that they will need more nutes before the final H2O flush. Its only been 44 days of flowering today and I figure they'll need at least 65-70 days total under fluorescent lights. I used Brasmith's dose recommendation for the watering today...
  5. The Dr.

    Closet Grow with Plant Issues Need Help!

    I've been been using 1/4 the amount listed of , which is 5ml per liter of water every other water or so. I admit, I haven't been diligent with record keeping. I'm thinking I might up the dose. I also bought a soil ph meter and all the pots measure a little over 7. Is that a little too high...
  6. The Dr.

    Closet Grow with Plant Issues Need Help!

    Hi all, I've got some problems that began about a week ago. I'm doing a 6 plant soil grow in a closet that is vertically limited, and am using 1X 105W and 2X 68W cfl's and an 8 bulb T5 setup to help keep the heat at bay. I've vented the closet with a fan as well as another for circulation...
  7. The Dr.

    Super Cropping Anyone?

    I have some questions about super cropping techniques. Does anyone know if the main stalk can be pinched and bent over or if its better to do this with the branches instead? Or do you top the plant and then begin super cropping? My plants a about a foot tall, and outdoor. They've just been...
  8. The Dr.

    Damn I made a mistake... (pics)

  9. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    Its still dry around here so I'm testing the market to see how much I can get, and without any problems, I'm selling for $35 a gram!!!!! I can not believe how much people are willing to pay. That's almost 8 Grand for 1/2lb.
  10. The Dr.

    Nervous to by from local hydro shop.?

    I always pay cash. The hydro shop I used a few times shredded customer information. You can ask if they keep records, most likely, they won't. mc1969 said right.
  11. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    4 Plants all outdoor and in the ground. Oh, and a lot of luck, especially with weather. It was my first full term grow. I've tried before but never came through to the end. The photo by my name is a true color pic of my harvested plants. One was totally f**kin PURPLE! I couldn't believe...
  12. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    1/2 lb Total!!! Some Curing Bud Pics.
  13. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    I have a close estimate of 8 oz. total weight for 4 outdoor plants. I'm so stoked about my grow. This is frickin awesome.
  14. The Dr.

    Amber Trichomes! first time grower, time window question

    I think about a week at most. Any mold issues? Are you in a dry or humid climate? The longer I waited (Just harvested on 9/29), the more I risked loss to mold. MD can be humid.
  15. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    Your very right. I'm definitely not knockin those who do buy seeds, I've just found that there's a lot less risk and peace of mind unless you got a fool proof method. Getting burned out of $250 has left its mark.
  16. The Dr.

    Harvested Today! (pics)

    KaliSmok You got some Bangin Buds Dude!!
  17. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    Read the whole thread. It tells the whole story. I never imagined some bag seeds from cheap ganja would amount to this incredible grow. You never know what you might get. I don't think I'll ever pay for seeds again. I never got some I paid for and learned it wasn't worth it.
  18. The Dr.

    First Harvest!

    Fellow Marylander You Made It!!!! Everything was all good here as well, check out my thread.
  19. The Dr.

    Dying plants

    I just harvested, but right before I did, temps were in the low 50's to high 40's at night and the leaves began showing signs of fatigue. They were yellowing and beginning to die off. I first thought it was because I was flushing them for 3 weeks and they weren't getting enough nutes, but now...
  20. The Dr.

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    Check Out these Trichromes!:-P