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  1. H

    My buds have lost their crystals and smell! Is this a regular thing?

    hi folks. wanted to comment on the curing of my buds i harvested some 13 days ago. as a new comer to growing, i m not sure if i ve gone wrong somewhere down the line or if things are going ok but patience is needed. i ve had my buds hung dry for 5/6 days until crisp almost brittle, then paper...
  2. H

    any tips on drying and curing, i m struggling.

    thanks. i saw on you tube that when hanging, a sign that the chloraphyl has gone is when the leaves go grey. as mine arent hanging i was nt sure
  3. H

    any tips on drying and curing, i m struggling.

    if you dont hang your buds upside down for a week does the chloraphyl stay in the buds????? i hung mine but only for 5 days when they got crispy on the outside, then stuck them in a paper bag. there still there. (can i ask if its normal that since cutting the plant down, the crystals look as if...
  4. H

    Have i screwed this up ?

    i ve been growing this plant for 14 weeks on at 12/12. the tric s just dont want to change to amber. the plants unfortuneatly been growing in a cupboard under the sink hence its shape and poisture. should i just harvest it now? i ve had comments saying it looks starved, however i ve been only...
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    is this one ready to chop???

    hey man. the leaves either fell off or just didnt develop. i grew this plant under the kitchen sink in the cupboard. it was unfortuneate but it had to be trained due to the height issue. i had i wrapped around the cupbrd. what does the term starving mean? ive not given the plant any product what...
  6. H

    is this baby ready to chop??????

    great chaps. nice one. i was nt sure but the tric s have gone milky. i guess i ll do it now! anyone know what type of weed it is?
  7. H

    is this one ready to chop???

    is this one ready to chop down? its had 13 weeks on 12/12 but the tri s dont seem to wanna go amber. ive had to loose a couple of branches due to bugs and mould. i m losing patience but if it means waiting i will. thanks for your advice
  8. H

    is this baby ready to chop??????

    is this baby ready??? i ve had too take off a couple of branches due to bugs and mould. its had 13 weeks at 12/12, but the tri s dont seem to want to go amber?? i m losing patience
  9. H

    need some advice on me buds! experienced grower needed.

    hi man. the bugs are either small green mutha s usually found on underneath of the small bud leaves; or some are black small little bastards. again found on the small bud leaves. exactly where its most sticky. i m not sure if there are more types. amongst these bugs is what i can only describe...
  10. H

    need some advice on me buds! experienced grower needed.

    i m being forced to harvest my plant a little early due to bugs. i ve discovered them in a few of me buds. i m in the 13 th week of 12/12 but the hairs of the crown bud, are still 50% white whereas the rest of the buds have 60/40% of the hairs brown. i would of thought that the crown bud would...
  11. H

    I Need HELP! just ready to harvest and i ve found bugs!!!

    hi peeps. i need someone whose had this problem to tell me what to do. i m just ready to harvest my plant when lasy night i found tiny bugs and tiny spots of mould in some of the buds. the bugs are small green like lavae on the leaves, small black bugs in the buds where its all sticky. and they...
  12. H

    Is this ready to cut down?

    i ve had this growing for just over ten weeks, at 12/12. is it ready to harvest? its my first. i d appreciate the advice. cheers hoo
  13. H

    a couple of questions for the pro s

    i have a plant that is in its final stages. i was wondering whether the hairs that are nt brown change colour after harvesting? i m not quite sure when the right time to harvest is. my plant has 30/40% of the hairs brown, and strangley the smaller lower buds have more brown hairs than say the...
  14. H

    Can a budding plant start producing flowers?

    i ve grown this plant for about 3 months in a kitchen cupboard unit. hence the shape. it was going fine until the first colouring or hairs. small flowers seem to be forming on top of some buds. the buds themselves have gone more bulbous in appearance. the buds have starting crystalling yet the...
  15. H

    its my first plant! is it a hermie?

    is this plant a hermie? its my first grow and i m not sure if this has changed sex? if it has , what should i do?
  16. H

    Anyone know if this is a HERMIE????

    sorry man, forgot to put them on. their on the forum now.
  17. H

    Anyone know if this is a HERMIE????

    sorry i forgot to put the pics in. can you tell me if this is a hermie? i thought it had not long to go, then it started changing in appearance. more bulbous etc. its 30% hairs are brown, its not ready yet but should i harvest it now?
  18. H

    Anyone know if this is a HERMIE????

    alright chaps. anyone tell me if this baby is a hermie?? its my first effort, and it ll break my heart if this bitch turns out a dud. 30% of the hairs are brown, its crystalling and i thought it d be ready soon?. can anyone tell me the best thing to do with it at this stage? and how long do you...
  19. H

    HERMIE??? new pics

    this plant has been loving grown.......and now i fear the bitch has stabbed me in the arse! is this a hermie??? and if so, what should i do? i thought i d be harvesting in about a week. any advice is totally welcome.
  20. H

    Is This a HERMIE????

    is this a hermie? it has about a week , left there abouts, and if it is what do i do with it now? what a mess.