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  1. The Irish


    So I figure I am going to make the flowering room 25 x 40. I remember reading that to measure how much lumens i need to use this formula L x W / 12^2=X(5000Lumens) My calculations would be (25 x 40)/12^2=6.95(5000) so the total amount of lumens would 34,750 lumens. Am I correct? If so where...
  2. The Irish


    The only space I have is a 40x40x40 in cube. I want to split it off into two sections(a flowering and a veg/clone space). I have so many ways of doing this, but I need a good start. I want to know what should I use for lights in such a small space. HPS, metal halide, or cfl. venting this...
  3. The Irish


    10 days go by and I haven't seen a new post.....Has BigD gone missing like Wolfman Zen
  4. The Irish


    I just reread you journal again. I thought I noticed you had eight light bulbs in there. Then I saw somewhere you wrote 3 26w 6500k, 1 26w 2700k, 3 42w 2700k. What is the Eighth Bulb? Or did I miss something. Could you clear this up for me and tell me what your lights are. Thanks.(I hate...
  5. The Irish


    How do you dispose of your soil when your done with it? I am assuming that when you get this perpetual grow into full swing you will be disposing a lot of soil. I am conflicted with the fact I like what you are doing, and would love to do this, but I like what wolfman is doing with his dwc...
  6. The Irish

    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    Those foam plugs you use, do they have to be foam plugs. Could someone use a sponge? Or do you think they would absorb to much water or even worse cause molding? Just wondering. I am enjoying your micro dwc, cfl scrog, perpetual stealth locker it's an interesting read.
  7. The Irish

    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    I have read on other forums that you can clone in a dwc the transplant to soil. Is this possible and if so how would someone do this. And if it is possible could someone do this if they were to keep a mother then clone off the mother and follow what BigD921 is doing for his...
  8. The Irish


    BigD, I was wondering.bongsmilie When you finish fine tuning everything, and you are receiving the right desire amount of bud each week, are you going to put up a very detail "how to" description of your 12/12+CFL+HB perpetual Micro Grow. bongsmilieI have read all of the pages of your journal...