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  1. OaklandTHC

    New grower

    looks like a coconut tree
  2. OaklandTHC

    feeding help

    1 day nutes, skip a day, 1 day bottled water(poland springs) n so fourth...
  3. OaklandTHC

    should my water smell this bad?

    Poland spring is an ideal bottled water with a perfect amount of PH, no extra bad shit, Tap water sucks...
  4. OaklandTHC

    Show me your motherplants

    3 weeks 4 weeks
  5. OaklandTHC

    Please Help Me with My 2 Week Old Seedling (Drying Leaves/Discoloration)

    U probably need a blue spectrum light setup, looks like maybe a nute burn or too hot of a lamp.
  6. OaklandTHC

    purple strains - lower temps?

    Outside? doubt thatll help, thats what sucks in having a few plants and one needs more attention then others, its probably going to become 1 or another.
  7. OaklandTHC

    Use of candle for co2

    Pics? maybe a fan with an input and outlet would be good.
  8. OaklandTHC

    Know any sites that deliver seeds within 3 days to CA?

    Im from oakland, why dont you get someone with a club card to get you some good clones from the club for 15-20 bucks, Smart thinking guys, im sure you have someone that has a club card in california, and if you dont then your an idiot...
  9. OaklandTHC

    My Poor Flowering Plant HELP!!! What do i do?

    1 too many nutes, using veg nutes for flowering is bad, which probably caused your nute burn, maybe something thats 10-30-10 for flowering, flush and see how it does using flowering nutes.
  10. OaklandTHC


    make sure your dirt is dry for easy transplanting, make sure your new pot has alot of nutes wet, and leave it in the dark for 12 hours, to make sure if you did do a mistake which is very hard, i gives it chance to heal.
  11. OaklandTHC

    Whole top bitten off young plant

    Cats love plants, never leave in a window or in reach of a cat, they will dig, jump, slash, crash, dash, lick your plants, they can get into cabinets if there smart
  12. OaklandTHC

    Just bought some bud, but it looks odd

    Its very wet probably and they probably used purple dye to change the color of the roots could be a few things.
  13. OaklandTHC

    Whole top bitten off young plant

    grasshopper aphids could be a few things snails and slugs leave trails i believe it was a grasshopper, tough luck man.
  14. OaklandTHC

    3 leaflets per leaf?

    You would like to pull it up and leave it in the dark for 12 hours to heal, you should be fine just dont make too much of a rough transfer.
  15. OaklandTHC

    Small buds?

    My room mate is growing some widow looks familiar but the lights is the main thing, bigger buds with good nutes and good lights. Stems are very skinny might hint your bud size.
  16. OaklandTHC

    It's Getting Too Cold Outside! How Do I Move An Outdoor Plant Inside To Flower?

    24hrs of healing from being pulled indoors and then the cycle for fat buds 12/12 goodluck on your harvest hope to see some nice pics, do you have any?
  17. OaklandTHC

    It's Getting Too Cold Outside! How Do I Move An Outdoor Plant Inside To Flower?

    24hrs of healing from being pulled indoors and then the cycle for fat buds 12/12 goodluck on your harvest hope to see some nice pics, do you have any?
  18. OaklandTHC

    Someone with sense, Please enlighten me. ++PICS++

    Sounds good, i think, im not positive, that the roots wont grow much more while budding.
  19. OaklandTHC

    Someone with sense, Please enlighten me. ++PICS++

    Keep the feedback coming thanks.
  20. OaklandTHC

    My Plants 3 Weeks into Flowering Can I Put it into a Different Pot?

    Yeah i heard that my last 15 mins of light put transplant it so that when the dark comes itll have sometime to recover if the transplant is too much.