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  1. H

    half hps, half cfl

    So i have a young plant who gets 12 hours of hps, and then 12 hours of cfl while my flowers sleep. i cant think of any reason why, but it seems to grow slower than my 100% cfl grow. has any one done a half and half grow before?? im not worried, but just curious.
  2. H

    So i just harvested...

    400w hps. it vegged for like 4 or 5 months with very little light. its been passed around between 2 other people before me. i took it over about 2 weeks ago, but it did flower with the hps for 9 weeks
  3. H

    So i just harvested...

    so i just harvested one of my babies and here is what i have to show for it. its not very much bud, less than a zone, but i have not weighed it yet so true numbers are yet to come. i still have one more plant that will be coming down within 2 weeks also.
  4. H

    Flowering for too long??

    what would happen if you never harvested and just kept them in flowering?? would they just get thicker buds, or is over flowering a bad thing?
  5. H

    from flowering to veg again???

    i have a little clone that i took like a month into flower. it formed the roots so i planted it back into soil and im putting it back into veg. it already has buds forming so i dont know what will happen when it goes back to veg? has anyone done this before?
  6. H

    1 month into flowering with thick buds

    ya the really cool thing is that one is an indica and the other is a sativa. how cool is that.
  7. H

    1 month into flowering with thick buds

    strain is some grade c schwag seed.
  8. H

    1 month into flowering with thick buds

    they are 1 month into flowering and their buds are starting to connect to one another. i know at least one more month is required but what do you think. 400w hps btw.
  9. H

    Am I Fucked???

    that was just were i took the picture. i dont grown them in the middle of my living room
  10. H

    Am I Fucked???

    ok i think im fucked, i have my babies getting bigger but they are not staying up in the healthy. a lot of leaves are getting the claw. and they used to grow 9 leaves and now they are only growing 7. i also think they are both males. they have been flowering under CPF for 28 days and no pistils...
  11. H

    To flower or not to flower???

    Here are my babies at 34 days old. i want to take some clones but i also want to flower them too? i have 6 CPF's and 3 18" floro tubes.
  12. H

    not one turned out male

    ya i'm using bag seed still dont know sex its like 10 days into flowering
  13. H

    not one turned out male

    give one to me
  14. H

    cloneing during flowering??

    what would happen if you took a clone a 9 days into flowering. here they are at exactly 31 days from planting. they have been under the 12/12 for 9 days and no sign at all of sex. starting to worry at this point. any suggestions??? 3 18" floro tubes and 3 cpf's.
  15. H

    wondering the best way to sex my babies

    here are my babies at 19 days, if i start to flower them can i go back to veg. after i get a sex?
  16. H

    My First Amazing Grow!

    my babies are still going strong here is 19 days
  17. H

    My First Amazing Grow!

    here's the new set up, still have the 3 tubes. not really concerned about the smaller ones i only have room for 2 plants so I'm just holding on the them until i can get a sex on the big ones. here is day 15
  18. H

    How soon should i transplant?

    thanks for the help. here is day 15.
  19. H

    How soon should i transplant?

    I transplanted today into 2 10" pots. used bag potting soil and some vermiclite. its been almost 24hrs and still looking really healthy, its been 14 days and they are already on their 5th set of leaves.
  20. H

    My First Amazing Grow!

    Ya, I'm going to split them soon, I'm just scared to do the transplant.