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  1. V

    trimming fan leafs or no?

    im not sure hwat to do here, I have a grow going with a 1000 watt hps magnetic ballast, with a cooltube and only one plant, about half way into flowering, the closet it about 3 1/2 feet deep and 5 feet wide with a butchered grow tent lining the whole thing for reflection, the plant is doing...
  2. V

    i thought i had a good idea of whats male and whats female but apparently not!

    ok cool, I just cut some clones and put em in a little cloning dome, can I just leave that little light on 24/7?
  3. V

    i thought i had a good idea of whats male and whats female but apparently not!

    awesome! think I can get it back into veg growth? ide like to just make her a mother plant and clone!
  4. V

    i thought i had a good idea of whats male and whats female but apparently not!

    any idea whats going on here lol the right side looks to be a little sack and the left side clearly has white hairs coming out of it. I was about to nuke this plant and its the only plant I have so if its a female that would be awesome!
  5. V

    is this plant male or female?

    I think its male but im not completely sure, what do you think?
  6. V

    do you think this is a female?

    gotcha, im running 24/7 to try to get some plants I harvested already to go back into veg, figured its worth a try! should I be looking for the white hairs like what you see on the buds?
  7. V

    do you think this is a female?

    whats up everyone, I have a random seed out of some good stuff that is growing great ive had it on a 24 hours a day hps light with some florescent grow lights and changed it to just the hps 12/12 and its only had one 12 hour dark period but to me this looks like its got the female stems already...
  8. V

    A perfect cure every time

    ok cool lol thanks!
  9. V

    My first grow.

    only thing I can think of is open the door to it and put a fan blowing plenty of air in there, the more flow the better! also the fan you have near the light I would move it down to the bottom, no need to pull the hot air from the top down to the plants, also you could cut back a couple hours of...
  10. V

    My first grow.

    looking good man, for the lighting ive always down 18/6 for veg but currently trying 24/7 and so far so good. im running a flood and drain system and go with 15 minutes every 4 hours but yours could be different. also if you havnt already throw an air stone in there to keep the water aerated...
  11. V

    A perfect cure every time

    quick question about the temps when curing like this, I have some bud curing in a jar and its been doing pretty well but I put it under my bed yesterday without noticing I have a heat vent blowing pretty warm air out right around the jar lol the temps got to about 75f and before that my RH was...
  12. V

    new closet grow

    looks pretty good! how tall is the closet? what watt are you running? imo theres nothing better than MH/HPS lighting, same with the flowers of the sea! hm grows coral better than any other kind.
  13. V

    what would you say the earliest you can flower to check male/fem?

    ok, is it ok to do with with a plant that's only a couple weeks old grown from seed? that's 2 weeks not including germination.
  14. V

    what would you say the earliest you can flower to check male/fem?

    whats up, I have a couple nl that the main part of the buds are ready and I don't have anything to clone off of but a gas seed that I got to come up in a DWC setup and its about 2 weeks old now. what I need to do is flower it asap just long enough to see if its a male or female. my plan is to...
  15. V

    Questions on harvesting my plant

    all strains are different but don't ignore any part of it but also don't go by just one thing. I go by trichs, hairs, but mainly when the pods get swollen. if you have some that arnt ready leave them on there to grow and mature, that's what I usually do and the ones that arnt ready seem to get...
  16. V

    Harvesting Myths.

    3. The whole flush vs no flush has been brought up a bunch of times on this site. Some leprechaun dude made a pretty good thread about it along with harvesting and curing things. I wish I had the link. As far as I can remember the conclusion reached was that flushing does nothing but deprive...
  17. V

    Please some advice needed...........First DWC grow

    im no expert but I would try raising the water level to where a couple inches of the pot are in the water. you have plenty of air going threw the water so aeration shouldn't be a problem. im sure others will chime in soon so don't go only on what I say but im having pretty good growth with it...
  18. V

    First time grow! Any advice!

    are you going for SOG? if not your not gonna have near enough room or light. I started flowering when they were about 12" tall and now they are near 3' tall but all strains are different. I set up about a 4'x8' wide and 8' tall closet with mylar all around. I only have 2 plants in the whole...
  19. V

    Plants super healthy will it delay when they will be done.

    I wish my plants looked like that all the way threw lol ide say you have nothing to worry about, not flushing should affect what the trichones look like at least it didn't for mine