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  1. C

    First Grow Pics. (just started flowering under a 150w hps)

    I forgot how long its been since I posted so I must let you know 2 were what I saw to be male and got the axe.
  2. C

    First Grow Pics. (just started flowering under a 150w hps)

    I'm glad someone asked I was starting to feel forgottened. A quick Update: changed from 150w to a hydrofarm 250w sunburst hood with a MH. The girls seemed to like it a lot more seeing that the flowers were getting bigger quicker. From looking at it I would say there is a good week to three...
  3. C

    2nd week flowering White Widow

    wow looks good man. im close to the end of my 3rd week flowering a WW plant.. and it looks pretty similar. im only using a 150w hps but in a smaller space. im going to have to keep up with your grow so i can compare the two and make sure mine is doing what is supposed to.
  4. C

    First Grow Pics. (just started flowering under a 150w hps)

    thanks guys. and yes i was feeling bigger pots for those smaller ones too! im going to get on that as soon as i can.
  5. C

    First Grow Pics. (just started flowering under a 150w hps)

    Hey everyone! This is kinda an experiment so i dont have high expectations of any kind. they started from a mix of white widow, strawberry cough, and sour diesiel seeds. did a lot of research, had a lil trial and error in the beginning with differnt lights and soils but setteled with fox farm...
  6. C

    Crap Miracle Grow Organic Soil-NEED TRANSPLANT HELP

    urine? uh urine????
  7. C

    Relatively hidden growing

    burry it underground.
  8. C

    Is a expensive grow box a good idea?? PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR OPINION!!

    there is a similar cabniet at my local hydro shop the thing is bitchin.. for only $750 with everything, (reflector, filter, fans etc.) but the light bulb.. its a good idea. just not tall enough to flower your pot. im building a similar one with a taller cabinet. :)
  9. C

    dwc question

    i dont understand how everything is working there.. where is water dripping?
  10. C

    Update: 8 Sour Diesels 1st Time Grow, 5 Weeks Flowering, Tips?/Hints, help! 1000w

    its pucks you put in water. it might be a lil easier on your wallet to just get dry ice in like a bucket and make a water balloon or a condom full of water and poke a hole in it. will last a day to a day in a half i think. but if you can afford it you could just buy the co2 set up. keep us updated!
  11. C

    Update: 8 Sour Diesels 1st Time Grow, 5 Weeks Flowering, Tips?/Hints, help! 1000w

    x2 i just bought some myself with bud blood and big bud.. cant wait to see how it will turn out...
  12. C

    When to flower stage

    you want to find a different soil then miracle grow... i just transplanted mine into some fox farm ocean forest organic potting soil. my plants have been veggin for a few weeks now and am still waiting a couple more to start 12/12... once you go into flowering plants will get a lot bigger too so...
  13. C

    2 of my plants are hermies, what should i do?

    use one to pollinate a female and you'll have feminized seeds.....
  14. C

    Update: 8 Sour Diesels 1st Time Grow, 5 Weeks Flowering, Tips?/Hints, help! 1000w

    if you want other advice on nutes.. i was at the local hydro store the other day and asked the guy there about what i should use and he said the thing with foxfarm, iguana juice.. etc.. is that they are all made for a viriety of plants while advanced nutrients has nutes made for one specific...
  15. C

    First Grow Closet

    with that many plants i dont think cfls are the right light for the job unless you get a lot more lights.the more light the better. the best next to that maybe get a short 2' x 3' fixture with 6 flourecent tubes hanging really close but you dont want to change lights when it flowers because you...