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  1. B

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    whats up guys.. 150w hps econolight about 150 w worth of cfl blackberry and two bagseed sativas
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    are these ready???

    very true gotta do what you gotta do.. they're chopped and hanging as we speak.. i'll make a new thread when they're out of hte jars ready to go
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    are these ready???

    ideally i would give em two more weeks for sure. but that isn't really an option, so its a matter of chop now or try and move them. its real late to give them that kind of stress, what do you all think
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    are these ready???

    this is another one, they need to be moved or chopped asap, what do you all think
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    are these ready???

    this is a side cola i snapped a pic of help please i need to chop is it ready at all?
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    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    150 econolight + about 200 of cfl
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    My $20 150w HPS Econolight DIY reflector/remote ballast

    thanks for the advice; just moved it closer
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    My $20 150w HPS Econolight DIY reflector/remote ballast

    i'm so glad i found this thread. my cab looks better than ever now.
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    i think i'm going to return these tubs and pick up a cabinet on craigslist for the same price. it'll give me like 4 extra feet of vertical height with the same foot print. it'll be a lot easier for me to work with for sure, especially regarding the door thing you mentioned. thanks for all...
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    sounds good, i'll set all of that up today. i really appreciate the help, and especially the clarity of your writing. haha so much of this board is nearly incomprehensible because of their writing style/skills but anyways, do you think i should stick with 3 plants, or could i squeeze out 4?
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    Rubbermaid box, cfl lumens/heat

    i could theoretically put 20+ lights into the box, for upwards of 7000 lumens/sq ft. that would inevitably overheat the box, and ruin all of my plants so i'll ask again what is the lumen/sq ft of a small style grow that can produce adequate yields and sustainable temperatures?
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    Rubbermaid box, cfl lumens/heat

    i'm currently setting up a rubbermaid stealth box as described here - after reading dozens upon dozens of cfl grows i've pretty much come to the conclusion that with cfl, the more lights the better...
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    we're going to paint the inside flat white and the outside flat black as soon as we get the paint. thanks for the recommendation on the black paint as far as the heat/ventilation issue, how does this sound: two 133.60 CFM 120mm pc fans, one running directly across the lights and another...
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    i actually hadn't thought of the light positioning problem. damn, if i had thought of that i probably would have built a box with doors haha. regardless, 15-20 lights will most definitely get hot. i'm going to be introducing them at least somewhat gradually, so i can't even really test heat...
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    no, regular size lightbulbs. also, it was only $20.
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    some more info.. so i will have the option for 20 lights in this 6.35 sq ft area (10 light heads with y splitters) my original plan was to use all 20; 12x23 and 8x42. a little lumen calculation... 12x23w @ 1600 = 22,400 8x42 @ 2600 = 20,800 total = 43200 6803 lumens/sq ft or alternatively...
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    54 gallon rubbermaid cfl box

    hey all, just went out and purchased the first step of the supplies for my first grow. when designing this grow, my first considerations were initial cost, ease of preparation, and stealth as such, cfls were the obvious choice for initial cost and stealth. i browsed here for a couple days...