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  1. N

    plants dont seem to be feeding?

    hi thewifeofasmoker thanks for the reply, i dont have a ph pen but il go on ebay and order 1 straight away!! and test the levels thanks for the info and il repost with the info
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    plants dont seem to be feeding?

    hi bugeye thanks for the reply im not sure what you mean by ppm? soil im using canna pro plus if that helps in anyway? i do like your idea of it maybe coz its nearly done as the main plant thats not feeding has been growing ahead of the rest even tho their all the same timed. my lights r on at...
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    plants dont seem to be feeding?

    hi all ive looked everywhere on the site but cant find no answer? im currently on my 2nd grow so im pretty much still a newb!! My problem is some of them are not drinking their feed? the pots have been wet for over a week now and they was feeding every 3rd day my babies are in their 5-6 week...
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    first time setup

    hi senny thanks for the reply, i was going for bushy but that 1 hawiian snow just went tall over night so i tied it down alittle, about the fan its normally blowing above the plants just spreading the heat from above them(thats ok right) with the temp it does go alittle high i keep the window...
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    first time setup

    hi wwrockyou thanks for the reply. the stretched plant idk what happened there? its stretched literally over night it was the same size as them all lol, as im a toker i only want good shit to smoke so ive given all my time to this first grow,had al the info ive used so far from riu
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    my super stealthy underground grow room

    fair flay thats awesome!! uve put ideas in my head
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    first time setup

    hi all first time poster, ive read loads of help and tips from this site so i decided to join to earn more wisdom from you guys. as you can see from my name im a first time grower so any advice and tips would be appreciated!! il give my setup details below and il get some pics done for you to...