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  1. G

    why are my plants so small?

    Yup I totally missed that, books or anything that will be effected by water is a big No No
  2. G

    why are my plants so small?

    Some solid advise here. Start in small pots then transfer them to bigger ones and if you have pots of various sizes then place a book under the smaller ones to bring them closer to the light. @Bigsteve - When do you transfer them to the final pot - the start of flowering? or when buds start...
  3. G

    last few days of flowering

    Your welcome buddy :-)
  4. G

    yield estimation

    Ahh Ok - By topping do you mean cutting the cola ? or do you mean trimming the fan leaves ? If the fan leaves then I thought it was actually done so that light could penetrate through to the plant even more making the buds that form a little lower larger?
  5. G

    yield estimation

    Why wouldnt you top them ? is it because LEDS dont produce heat so wont harm the plant? Or is it so that the fan leaves are plenty to get as much of the light as possible? Sorry still a little new :-)
  6. G

    How do YOU think there doing?

    wow those plants look great - The fan leaves seem somewhat massive and will be blocking lots of light - Have you tried to tie some of the fan leaves ? it should allow more light to penetrate to other parts of the plant
  7. G

    last few days of flowering

    yes that is perfectly fine Dont forget that during the last few days you will be flushing your plants - so the nutrients will be less - The buds require more so you see this reflect on the leaves
  8. G

    why are my plants so small?

    Yes I was going to say that the lights look a little distant from the plants - but if you moved them for the picture then it explains that i think your ok with 18 days - The plants should start to grow fairly quick now How long are you leaving the lights on for?
  9. G

    my northern light setup

    looks nice - I was looking at a few of the PC grow boxes - yours looks somewhat similar - How big is your growing space?
  10. G

    How long?

    still look like it has a good 3 weeks to go
  11. G

    Smoking Cheese

    Hi guys My friend just got done with curing his batch of Amnesia haze - Man its pukka :-)
  12. G

    Welcome New Members!

    hi guys - I've been reading this forum for sometime now, just never registered. I finally decided to register and join in with the conversations I love my green and have traveled to Amsterdam a number of times