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  1. fonsi

    Whos Growing Out Of An Apartment? Come Help Me Out

    I agree on the filter. If your really looking for stealth and can afford it, go for phresh. intake filter, silencers, and carbon filters. its a pricey set but you wont regret it.
  2. fonsi

    MUSIC for PLANTS - Have you tried this ? did you know ?

    I plan on doing some experimentation in the upcoming months with tomatoes before moving forward. Probably in a small gl40 to begin with and then move it up to a 4x4. will keep updated
  3. fonsi

    Whos Growing Out Of An Apartment? Come Help Me Out

    With the equipment below, you can grow one autoflower every 60-70 days. In a 3 gallon pot, topped a few times, you could easily get between 50-100 grams a grow. Ive seen this set up in action. The way ive described is a bit expensive but for the space you have, i best recommend this setup. I...
  4. fonsi

    The Car Talk Thread

    Both approx. 115k. Who wins. Other Suggestions Welcome.
  5. fonsi

    Uruguay set to become first country to legalize marijuana trade Here is an article from today showing how the UN is warning Uruguay that they are in contradiction of International Law. As a Uruguayan citizen it really saddens me to see how manipulated organizations are. Where...
  6. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    I ordered mine through their android wallet application. Its free and I received it within 10 days.
  7. fonsi


    Read that clearly and my mind has been changed. Acid is one that I never was sure if I wanted to try. Mainly because of an ex who abused it to shit so it turned it off to me. Im going to try hard to get some shrooms to enjoy with my buddy this weekend. Semester Ends on Friday so thats an...
  8. fonsi


    I have no experience with psychedelics whatsoever. I have been attracted to them for many years in the sense that I love to watch documentaries regarding psychedelics but I have never tried, mainly because I have never put forth the effort to find a reputable source.. I am looking forward to...
  9. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    Here is a picture of the card. It is a fully functioning debit card with the mag strip and number on the back. I can only show the front because If I black out all the info on the back, I might as well not show anyways...
  10. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    It is free. Google actually makes no money with this. They do gain a ton of your info, but that aside, no money.
  11. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    Ive used phone bumping a few times with my buddy when its the others turn to pay for the week. LOL :) Since you can connect your banking system to it, and now that they enabled the physical google wallet card, it enables me to go a full day without a "real" card. Also: the Wallet Card can be...
  12. fonsi


    How was your high? Whatever you feel like telling me. Im expecting to get some this month so I am just looking for some information on what to expect. Did it create a change of thought about a certain topic or something along those lines. I have a close friend of mine whose life was greatly...
  13. fonsi


    Will do. Thank you for the link.
  14. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    Yeah, so far I think its only within the US. But I encourage you to explore further. Its similar to paypal in which you can have a digital wallet balance from which you can pay online and then you have debit or credit cards and bank accounts as back ups. It is much more expansive than paypal...
  15. fonsi

    Google Wallet

    Anyone here use google wallet? I have Google Wallet enabled with NFC on my nexus 5 and just yesterday I received my physical Google Wallet Card. Just checking out to see, how many people even know of how handy it can be. I will post a picture of how the card looks like soon.
  16. fonsi


    Im just looking for information on DMT. Whether youve tried it, heard of it, seen it. General thread on DMT.
  17. fonsi

    Is this brand specific glassware? Or will we see more of these?

    Here is a larger Helix. This is from Staxalot from Grav Labs. Wouldnt trade it for the world.
  18. fonsi

    Help me choose a perc.

    Check out Its an awesome series from Grav Labs based out of Texas. Here are some pics of what is possible. I absolutely love every one of my stax pieces.
  19. fonsi

    Stupid bong question

    Here are some pictures in case anyone is interested.
  20. fonsi

    some of my glass

    I have more pieces mainly vapes, Extreme and Volcano, both not pictured. The pictures focus only on my stax series and different set ups Ive run.