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  1. C

    Stealth Grow Box

    how do you put in a ventillation system? what do you use?
  2. C

    hydro systems

    :-Pi want to make a hydro system that can grow like 6 plants at a time. what the best system for me? also what exactly do i need to buy for it and how much would it cost?
  3. C


    i want to make a stealth grow box with a hydro system inside of it. First i need to figure out the cheapest way to get a hydro sytem set up. i want to be able to plant like 6 at a time. What is the best hydro system for me. I have a good amount of space and a small amount of money.:-P:weed::leaf:
  4. C

    Stealth Grow Box

    How big is that? What did you line it with?Is there a ventillation system.
  5. C

    no buds

    this weekend i am going to get and led light but i have been using compact flourecent. As for my light cycle 12 12 at this point. What should i be feeding it?
  6. C

    no buds

    i planted my plant 2 1/2 months ago. It is now just under two feet tall. Still no signs of budding. I dont know what to do. Suggestions?????
  7. C

    The First LED Grow Box

    whats so bad about led. ive heard they are very energy efficiant and they produce blue and red spectrum light for veg and flowering. Its not that expensive either. i dont know much about hid though maybe your right.
  8. C

    led grow lights

    so far i have been pretty cheep and only used a compact flourecent but i want to step it up and ive heard the led is good. What do you guys think? Ive allready looked into some of the led's and it looks like the way to go. For 100 dollars i can get the led spotlight which covers 5 square feet.
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    Stealth Grow Box

    these grow boxes look like they might be cool. does anyone have step by step instructions on how to make them and what i would need to buy for it?
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    Needing some help from experienced growers!

    i didnt mean to hijack somone elses thread how do i even start my own
  11. C

    Needing some help from experienced growers!

    i need some instrutions on how to build a stealth gorw box. Can anyone help me out?
  12. C

    The First LED Grow Box

    i havent been growing for that long and ive been seeing these grow boxes online and i want to make one but i dont know where to start. Any suggestions.